
Alternative für Deutschland

(„Alternative for Germany“) **Strength:** 32,000 (January 2021) **short description:** **I. Party History **1. prehistory** The “Alternative for Germany” (AfD) is the parliamentary arm of the extreme right in Germany. Its founding was preceded, among other things, by the publication of

Britain First

Britain First (BF) [used to have over two million followers on Facebook]( when it was funded by Jim Dowson, who is reported to have raised millions for the British National Party (BNP). Dowson is no longer backing the party and

British Democratic Party

The British Democractic Party (BDP) was [an attempt by former BNP activists to set up a new party]( and was launched after an attempt to unseat Griffin as BNP leader failed. The leader Andrew Brons is a former BNP MEP.

British Freedom Party

Jayda Fransen, Nick Griffin and Jim Dowson are all now involved in the British Freedom Party (BFP). Fransen is party leader, Griffin edits the newspaper and Dowson appears to be once again providing the funding.

British National Party

The most successful fascist organisation in British electoral politics is the British National Party (BNP) which got [943,598 votes in the 2009 European elections]( That year a [leaked party membership list]( revealed the party had 12,656 members. This was well

Bündnis Deutschland

The party “Bündnis Deutschland” was founded on November 20, 2022. It is a new project for disappointed AfD members. According to its own information, “Bündnis Deutschland” supported the right-wing populist voters’ association “Bürger in Wut” (BIW) with around 300,000 euros

Croatian Sovereignists

The party was originally founded in November 2019 as a political platform between the Croatian Conservative Party, Hrast-Movement for Successful Croatia, and some clerical groups. In 2020, the party entered Croatian Parliament in a Homeland Movement-led coalition. Croatian Sovereignists’ Club

die Heimat / Homeland

(„National Democratic Party of Germany“) **Character:** oldest and biggest traditional fascist Party, strong ties to the NS-subculture **Strengh:** 3,600 members (2019) **Short description:** The NPD was founded in West Germany in 1964 and is the oldest and biggest traditional fascist

Die Rechte

(„the right“) **character:** classical neonazi, strong ties to the NS-subculture **strengh:** 550 members (2019) **short description:** ‘Die Rechte’ is a traditional fascist party founded in May 2012. The Party is a umbrella organisation for fascist ‘Kameradschaften’, mainly in the Federal

For Britain

Civic nationalist party led by prominent counter-jihad activist. FB has one elected councillor, who was a prominent former BNP activist. FBs roots are in the counter-jihad movement and it’s led by former socialist Anne Marie Waters. [Former Smiths frontman Morrisey

Freie Sachsen / Free Saxons

(„Free Saxons“) **Short description:** The ‘Freie Sachsen’ are a party in the German Federal State of Saxony founded in February 2021. It is a far right concurrent project to the AfD. Leader is Martin Kohlmann. They are organising many rallys

Generation of Renovation

Generation of Renovation is Croatian version o alt-right movement. It was founded in February 2017. with obvious inspiration in the European Identity Movement. Party claimed to have around two hundred members. While it had struggled to build presence in the

Homeland Movement

At the 2020 parliamentary elections, most of the right-wing opposition to premier Plenković and the HDZ is united in the newly-formed Homeland Movement (cro: Domovinski pokret) party and coalition, led by nationalist singer and former HDZ MP Miroslav Škoro. Škoro

Homeland Party

Britain’s largest fascist organisation Patriotic Alternative (PA) has experienced a catastrophic split. Half of PA’s regional organisers and around two thirds of PA’s officers have left the party to form a new neo-Nazi organisation called the Homeland Party (Homeland). The

Identity Ireland

PUBLIC [Identity Ireland]( (II) was founded by Gary Allen, Peter O’Loughlin and Alan Tighe in 2015. O’Loughlin, party leader, [spoke]( at a Pegida rally in Germany 2016 then unsuccessfully attempted to launch an Irish branch of Pegida in [February 2016](

National Front

In the 1970s and early 80s [the National Front (NF) was the hegemonic force on the British far-right](, but it has been irrelevant for decades. The NF has strong brand recognition in the wider public but has failed to translate

National Rebirth of Poland

National Rebirth of Poland (Polish: Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski), abbreviated to NOP, is an ultranationalist far-right political party in Poland registered by the District Court in Warsaw and National Electoral Commission. As of the 2015 election, the party had no seats

Neue Stärke Partei

The „Neuen Stärke Partei“ (NSP) was founded in May 2021 as a Neonazi-Party in Erfurt. It was founded by members of the Neonazi-Group „Neue Stärke Erfurt e. V.“ **First Source:** – Homepage: (German)

Patriotic Alternative

Patriotic Alternative (PA) is [the fastest growing fascist party in the UK at the moment]( The party has 10 regional branches across the country and these branches have grown to a point where some are now setting up sub branches.

Reform Party UK

When Nigel Farage set up the Brexit Party (now Reform Party UK) he pulled a large number of United Kingdom Independence Party members with him, including a number of the far-right entryists, such as short-lived Generation Identity UK leader Jordan

Serbian Gates Movement (Dveri)

A clerical right-wing movement that advocates the establishment of a “class monarchy and a symphony of state and church.The movement originated in the mid-90`s and originated from the magazine of the same name. Dveri was founded in 1999 as a

Serbian Right

Serbian Right is far right organization founded in June 2018 self-determining from the start by advocating traditionalism, patriotism, healthy society and Eurasian integrations . The political connection between the Serbian right and its leader and the government has always been

The Irish Freedom Party

PUBLIC Founded in 2019, the far right Irish Freedom Party has come to be known as an ‘astro-turf’ organisation in reference to its importing of campaign tactics and continued failure to establish a genuine grassroots base in Ireland and Northern

The National Party

PUBLIC Founded in 2016, registered as a political party in 2019, the [National Party]( (NP) ran 10 candidates in the 2020 General Election and is estimated to have a membership in excess of 300. Former Youth Defence militants with longstanding

The Third Way / Der III. Weg

(„The Third Path“) **character:** classical neonazi, elitist, revolutionaire **strengh:** 580 members (2019) **short description:** The III. Path was founded on September 2013 by former NPD officials. The Party has a stronghold in the town Plauen (Saxonia) and Bavaria. Former members

United Kingdom Independence Party

UKIP was a coalition of right-wing opponents of Britain’s membership of the European Union. While the party has long endorsed structural racism, [former British National Party members have been banned from holding party membership]( and when supporters made racist outbursts