Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs / Freedom Party of Austria
(„Freedom Party of Austria“) **character:** right-wing populist **strength:** 60,000 (2017) **Short description:** The FPÖ was founded in 1956 and was a harbour for old NSDAP-members. FPÖ became the third largest party in Austria. Youth wing is the „Ring Freiheitlicher Jugend“.
National Rebirth of Poland
National Rebirth of Poland (Polish: Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski), abbreviated to NOP, is an ultranationalist far-right political party in Poland registered by the District Court in Warsaw and National Electoral Commission. As of the 2015 election, the party had no seats
Partei National Orientierter Schweizer
(„Party National-orientated Swiss people“) **Strength:** 300 or 800 (2020 self proclaimed) **Short description:** The Swiss Party PNOS is a traditional facscist Party founded in 2000 which imitates the fascist ‘Fronten-Bewegung’ of the 1930s. In September 2020 the french branch of
Progress Party
Alt-right party
Schweizerische Volkspartei / Swiss People’s Party
(„Swiss People’s Party“) **character:** national-conservative, right-wing populist **strength:** 90,000 **Short description:** The SVP was founded in 1971 as a merger of different Partys. In the 1990s they changed from conservative to right-wing populist. In the 2000s it became the strongest
Serbian Gates Movement (Dveri)
A clerical right-wing movement that advocates the establishment of a “class monarchy and a symphony of state and church.The movement originated in the mid-90`s and originated from the magazine of the same name. Dveri was founded in 1999 as a
Serbian Right
Serbian Right is far right organization founded in June 2018 self-determining from the start by advocating traditionalism, patriotism, healthy society and Eurasian integrations . The political connection between the Serbian right and its leader and the government has always been
Vlaams Belang
Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest), or “Vlaams Blok” until 2004 is a far-right Flemish nationalist political party founded in 1979 and presided by Tom Van Grieken since 2014. It has 18 Federal Deputies (of of 87) and 3 Members of the