Anders Behring Breivik
Norwegian far-right terrorist responsible for the murder of 77 during the terrorist attack on the 22nd of July 2011.
Athanasios Konstantinou
Athanasios Konstantinou (Greek: Αθανάσιος Κωνσταντίνου, born 18 July 1959 at Athens) is a Greek politician, physician, and retired general officer currently serving as a Member of the European Parliament. He was originally elected as a member of Golden Dawn, but
Athanasios (Thanos) Plevris
Currently Minister of Health and MP with New Democracy, started his career as member and MP of the far-right LAOS party. He’s a lawyer, frequently found in the defence of police officers accused of misconduct and police violence. Active in
Daniel Conversano
Daniel Didier, or “Daniel Conversano” is an openly white supremacist activist predominantly active online. In 2016 he created the organisation “Suavelos”, with the aim of organising the creation of white communities. His project is to protect the “European heritage” at
Failos Kranidiotis
Failos (Garoufail) Kranidiotis (Greek: Φαήλος Κρανιδιώτης) (born 16 October 1965) is a Greek far-right politician. He created his own political party, “New Right” (“Nea Dexia”) in May 2016, after Kranidiotis was ousted from the New Democracy party. Kranidiotis, a close
Freysinger Oskar
**Short description:** Oskar Freysinger was born 12th of June 1960. He is active in the Swiss People’s Party (SVP). He is Member of the National Council of Switzerland Parliament for Valais since 2003. He agitates against Roma people and Islam.
Gottfried Küssel
Gottfried Küssel (* 1958) from Wien is a holocaust denier and a long time Neonazi. He is member of the ‘Studentenverbindung’ Corps Danubo-Markomannia. In 1986 he was founder ander leader of the „Volkstreue außerparlamentarischen Opposition“ (VAPO) in Austria. Since 1987
Hristo Ivanov
Leader of IMRO’s youth organization and a candidate for 2021 parliamentary election from the same party. Active on the streets, Ivanov is literary on every activists demonstration or event for Romani, LGBTQ, Migrants and other pro-initiatives, filming the participants.
Ilias Kasidiaris
Raised to prominence in the far-right as member of Golden Dawn and spokesperson of the party. Formed his own party, “Greeks for the Fatherland”, after Michaloliakos refused his proposal for a leadership change in GD in the face of the