
Roberto Fiore

Roberto Fiore is a former far-right terrorist of the so-called Third Position, who has been also involved in bombing attacks, such as that at Bologna station in 1980.
According to an article in the British anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, Fiore appears to have been protected during the years of his inaction by MI6, as an “agent of the British secret service”.
In 1991 the European Commission of Inquiry into Racism and Xenophobia confirms its affiliation with MI6 since the early 1980s.
In 1985, British Interior Minister Leon Brittan replied negatively to Labor MP Duns’ request to expel Fiore and the four other fugitives who remained at the time.

After around twenty years in the run in United Kingdom, he returned to Italy founding in 1997 his own party ‘New Force’ (Forza Nuova) a neofascist, omophobic, racist and nationalist organization, inspired by the romanian ‘Iron Guard’.
In June 1999 an italian secret service note reported a collaboration between FN and the Catholics of Militia Christi for initiatives against abortion and the American way of life.
From 2003 to 2006 Forza Nuova tightened an electoral collaboration with two radical right-wing movements. Under the guidance of Alessandra Mussolini, the Alternative Social cartel was created to take part to the european elections, gaining one seat.
In 2008 Mussolini’s election to national Parliament led the runner-up in the list, Roberto Fiore, to the European Parliament.

In May 2020, some sections broke away from the movement in controversy with the management of the party by Roberto Fiore and Giuliano Castellino. The newly established network of resigning sections, in the meantime federated, gives life to the *National Movement – The Patriots Network* on 10 October 2020.

On 14 December 2020, party secretary Roberto Fiore announced Forza Nuova’s adhesion to the Italia Libera coalition together with No Mask movements and the Orange Vests of former Carabinieri general Antonio Pappalardo.