
Gianluca Iannone

[Gianluca Iannone]( is the leader of the “fascists of the third millennium”, as the militants of Casapound define themselves, with a past in the neo-fascist organization Western Political Movement, dissolved in the 90s with the Mancino decree against racial hatred. He attracted the attention of the national media for having organized the squad raid carried out by about forty militants from Casapound at the national Tv-network RAI headquarter in November 2008.

In addition to being president of CPI, Iannone is the leader of one of the hooligans of the Romanist Curva Sud, owner of the “Iron Head non-compliant bookshop” specializing in the sale of neo-fascist and nostalgic-inspired texts, singer of the Zeta Zero Alfa group, director of Radio Bandiera Nera (“the web radio of the young acolytes of the duce”) and of the Western magazine founded in the 70s by some veterans of the RSI including the coup general Junio ​​Valerio Borghese convicted of war crimes in 1946.

Iannone has been convicted several times for beatings, assaults and unauthorized demonstrations, as well as for the illegal occupation of the CPI headquarters in Rome, initially granted by the right-wing mayor Gianni Alemanno and then revoked by the judiciary.