37 Gang
Far-right Telegram chat and collective of YouTube livestreamers who are hostile to Patriotic Alternative from a British nationalist perspective.
Academia Christiana
“Identitarian and catholic” youth organisation and training institute founded in 2013. They promote rootedness, patriotism, defending a “third way” to live with a community against neoliberalism and marxism. They organise conferences, training weekends and yearly summer camps.
Action Française
The Action française (Centre Royaliste d’Action Française (CRAF)) is a counter-revolutionary nationalist and monarchist organisation founded in 1898 by Charles Maurras, Maurice Pujo and Henri Vaugeois, in the historical context of the Dreyfus affair. It is known for its xenophobia
Agenda Europe
See Intolerance Network leak for Agenda Europe data. Abstract of 2018 EPF report “In 2013, 20 US and European campaigners began strategizing ‘achievable goals’ to roll back human rights for sexual and reproductive health in Europe. Documents have recently
Alpha Men Assemble
Anti-lockdown activists with a large group on encrypted messaging app Telegram, which has nearly 7,000 members. They have been holding training sessions, [including boxing drills, at various places in the UK and claim to be planning direct action]( Alpha Men
**Alternative** is a far-right group that is a relatively independent part of the Azov Movement. The group was founded and headed by **Mikhail Shalankevich** (aka Hans), an immigrant from Russia. Shalankevich was a member of **Restrukt**, one of Russia’s most
Alvarium is an identitarian organisation based in Angers, founded in 2017 by Jean-Eudes Gannat. It is dissolved on November 17th 2021 by the French governement for inciting to discrimination and hate on the basis of race, sexuality, gender and religion
Arktos UK
International far-right publisher’s UK division. Traditional Britain Group founder [Gregory Lauder-Frost is the head of Arktos UK]( and has arranged for stalls to be held at a variety of far-right events, such as the now defunct London Forum events.
Association of Orthodox Experts
The Association of Orthodox Experts (APE) is an organization of politically active Orthodox laymen led by Orthodox activist Kirill Frolov that persecutes anyone who opposes Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church. The organization has become notorious for filing numerous
Auctorum Social
“Social” organisation founded in October 2019 under the banner of “Identity, Community, Social Justice” in Versailles. Similar to Bastion Social (dissolved in April 2019) and Génération Identitaire (dissolved in March 2021), it aims at distributing supplies to French people in
Audace Lyon
Created in September 2019 from the ashes of Bastion Social. It has similar goals and similar people involved: protecting identity and conducting “social” activities for French people only.
Avant Guarde
L’Avant Guarde is a organisation/movement that aims to create and sustain political engagement at the local level through an active network. It was created in 2015 by Charles Millon (president), Charles Beigbeder and Julie Graziani. The motivating values are the
Azov Movement
The Azov Movement is the largest far-right association in Ukraine. It consists of three main structures: the **Azov Regiment** of the National Guard of Ukraine (the military wing), the **National Corps** party (the political wing) and the **National Vigilantes**, renamed
Azov Regiment
The Azov Regiment (initially Azov Battalion) is a radically politicized unit that is part of the National Guard of Ukraine, subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was created in the spring of 2014 on the basis of the
Bastion Social
Neo-fascist organisation born from the ashes of the Groupe Union Défencse (GUD) in 2017 in Lyon, and inspired by the Italian neo-fascist movement Casa Pound. It opened local sections in Lyon (Lugdunum – Bastion Social) and inspired local sections in
Belgrade Nationalist
A new network of far-right organizations that is specific compared to the previous ones. First, it is not tied to the states of the structure, nor is it in favor of Russia. Ukraine has become a new center of gathering
Black hundred
“Black Hundred” is a far-right monarchist book publisher that was founded in 2013 by two students Dmitry Bastrakov and Nikita Lukinsky. Publishers have opened a bookstore “Listva” in St. Petersburg and Moscow. “Black Hundred” is a common name for right-wing
Blood & Honour Schweiz / Combat 18 Schweiz
**Strength:** 150-200 (2007) **Short desciption:** The chapter Switzerland of Blood & Honour is part of the international network. The Swiss chapter was founded 1997/98 in the german speaking part and 2003 in the french speaking part of the country („Romandie“).
Blood & Honour UK
The Blood & Honour network continues to exist although it has not organised many shows in 2020. The network organises most of the Nazi punk shows in the UK but not all. The [annual Ian Stuart Donaldson (ISD) show]( did
Blood &Honor Serbia
Founded on June 25, 1995. The Serbian branch is an organization that gathers domestic Nazi skinheads and its most significant actions were memorial concerts in honor of the birthdays of Adolf Hitler and other Nazi criminals. In Serbia, there are
Bordeaux Nationaliste
Activist group in Bordeaux close to Yvan Benedetti’s party Les Nationalistes.
British Movement
The British Movement (BM) organise an annual whites-only camping trip they describe as the ‘Sunwheel Festival’, this does not appear to have happened in 2020. BM had an influx of members from National Action prior to their ban and have
C14/The Basics of Future
**The Basics of Future (former C14)** is a radical far-right organization based in Kyiv. It was founded in 2009 by members of the Svoboda Party. From the beginning to the present day, the leader of the organization has been **Yevhen
Carrefour de l’Horloge
Carrefour de l’Horloge (known as Club de l’Horloge until 2015) is a national-liberal think tank founded in 1974 by Jean-Paul Antoine, Yvan Blot, Jean-Yves Le Gallou, Henry de Lesquen, Didier Maupas and Bernard Mazin. It is presided by Henry de
Centuria/National Vigilantes
Centuria (the National Vigilantes) is the paramilitary wing of the Azov Movement. The National Vigilantes were founded in 2017 ostensibly to help the police ensure public order. The video of the presentation by members of the National Vigilantes prompted public
Chelsea Headhunters
Chelsea’s neo-Nazi hooligan gang are still active and have attended several far-right protests over the past six years. Notably being involved in heavy [clashes with anti-fascists in a coach station in Maidstone, Kent in 2016]( and [attacking a pub where
Citadel is a neo-fascist online community runned by rightwing activist and ideologist Gleb Ervier. Citadel produces right-wing video propaganda and distribute through different social media platforms. Citadel Productions shot a far-right documentary named after book by belgian nazi collaborator Leon
Combat 18
Defunct neo-Nazi terrorist group which was started by the British National Party (BNP) to act as its security wing. The ’18’ is a numeric code for ‘Adolf Hitler’. Combat 18 (C18) no longer exists, in the UK, in any meaningful
Comité de liason et d’aide nationaliste
CLAN is an organisation created in 2012 to support nationalist activists in France and Europe who get arrested by the Police. They aim to provide moral, financial and legal support to the targeted activists and their families.
Conservative Russia
Russia Conservative is a right-wing patriotic conservative community founded on 1 May 2020. There are currently five online groups: Yekaterinburg, Southern Urals, Tver, St. Petersburg, Moscow. Not to be confused with the Conservative Party of Russia, which was deregistered in
Conservator is a small right wing community organised by Valentina Bobrova and her husband Mihail Ochkin on remains of their National Conservative Movement. Valentina Bobrova also organised a Conservator Discussion Club but it was closed by authorities. There is a
Democratic Football Lads Alliance
[The DFLA has never really recovered from it’s October 2018 defeat on the streets]( of London when a large coalition of anti-fascists blocked the route of it’s march and the DFLA’s attempt to attack this coalition was violently rebuffed by
Des Tours et des Lys
Local neofascist group active in Tours. Similar to other local groups such as Auctorum in Versailles, Lyon Populaire, Alvarium in Angers, their activities revolve around the promotion of identitarian slogans, physical training, “social” help and building and defending the “community”.
Double-headed eagle society
Society for the Development of Russian Historical Education “Double-headed eagle society” was set up on 1 November 2015. After the convention in November 2020, the organisation was renamed Tsargrad. The same name is given to the group of companies of
Égalité et Réconciliation
Organisation created in 2007 and former Groupe Union Défense (GUD) members. It revolves around Alain Soral, still its president, and promotes an ideology based on national-socialism, antisemitism, and is known for spreading conspiracy theories (fed by the COVID-19 pandemic).
Eléments is a magazine founded as an official media outlet for the GRECE, the research group of the French Nouvelle Droite (New Right). It is published every other month. Alain de Benoist is one of the founders and was the
English Defence League
An anti-Muslim street protest organisation which emerged as the British National Party (BNP) was collapsing and [around 35,000 people are estimated to have attended their demonstrations]( through the course of their existence. Led by former BNP member Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, who
Équipe Communautaire Paris
Équipe Communautaire Paris (ECP) is one of the local groups of the white supremacist Les Braves (formerly Suavelos), and also there biggest section with more than 50 members in the Paris region. It is advertised as a network promoting “community
Ethnic National Union
The Ethnic National Union (ENO) is a decentralized, autonomous, political organization of national socialists. Originally an informal association created on the principles of anonymity by a number of former activists of the NSO, former members of the separate special forces
European Center for Law and Justice
The European Center for Law and Justice (ECLJ) is a internation conservative Christian NGO headed by Grégor Puppinck since 2009. Its work his organisation focuses on lobbying to the UN and EU mainly, but also to other national institutions on
Feuerkrieg Division
A [group of neo-Nazi teenagers]( which was proscribed in July 2020 for encouraging neo-Nazi terrorism online. The group announced it was disbanding in February 2020.
Fondation Polémia
Identitarian think tank and media founded in 2002 by Jean-Yves Le Gallou (ex- GRECE, FN and MNR). It aims at defending “identity, security and European freedom” through an activity of “re-information” in front the “media tyranny”. It accordingly organises the
Fraction is an identitarian national-revolutionary rock band founded in 1994 and mainly active until 2007, but which initiated a come-back since 2019. Central members have been the identitarians Fabrice Robert -still active- and Philippe Vardon, both former members of Front
**Freikorps** is a Kharkiv-based far-right militarized organization with a cell in Ivano-Frankivsk. The name Freikorps refers to eponymous volunteer squads in Austria and Germany. In the 20th century, this name was adopted by members of far-right paramilitary formations that fought
Furie française
Furie française (formerly known as La Meute) is a far-right group active in Toulouse, born out of the ashes of Génération Identitaire, dissolved in March 2021.
Génération A
Support organisation to Asselineau’s UPR, launched on December 13 2021 by Fabien Sémat, decidated to spread the party’s idea to younger people. Obviously echoes Zemmour’s “Génération Z”, RN’s “Géneration Nation” and even “Génération Identitaire”.
Génération Identitaire
Génération Identitaire was founded in 2012 (dissolved in 2021), originally as the youth section of the Identitarian Bloc (Bloc Identitaire) but became autonomous in 2016. The organisation aims at defending a white “indigenous” European identity in front to extra-European immigration
Generation Identity UK and Eire
[Generation Identity UK and Eire]( was [renamed the Identitarian Movement which no longer exists]( Former activists are now in [Local Matters](, Identity England and Patriotic Alternative.
Génération Z
Génération Z (Génération Zemmour) is a youth movement and organisation launched by young activists in February 2021 to support Eric Zemmour’s candidacy to the presidential elections. Even though it is presented as an independent mouvement which was not at Zemmour’s
German Volunteer Corps
In February 2023, a “German Volunteer Corps” (“DFK”) was formed in Ukraine with extreme right-wing volunteers fighting on the Ukrainian side. It sees itself in a National Socialist tradition. On June 22, 2023, the following text was posted on Telegram
Greenline Front (GLF)
Greenline Front (GLF) is an international network which originated in Eastern Europe, with chapters in a variety of countries such as Argentina, Belarus, Chile, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Spain and Switzerland. Operating as a loose network, GLF is held
Groupe Union Défense
Groupe Union Défense (GUD) was a national-revolutionary far-right student organisation founded in 1968. It is known for its violent street activism and in 2017 it becomes Bastion Social.
Hammerskins Schweiz / Schweizer Hammerskins, Crew 38
**Strength:** dozens **Short description:** The SHS Schweiz started at the beginning of the 1990s. Hammerskins and Hells Angels Schweiz share the Security-Job-Business. They organise a Hammerfest every year. PNOS-President Florian Gerber is member of the SHS. Members of SHS/C38 are:
Hearts of Oak
Hearts of Oak held a poorly attended rally in summer 2020 which was addressed by Yaxley-Lennon over a video link. Hearts of Oak has the support of right-wing YouTuber Carl Benjamin, also known as Sargon of Akkad as well as
Heritage and Destiny
Heritage and Destiny (H&D) produce a regular magazine and organise the annual John Tyndall memorial meetings. No meeting happened in 2020 but they are expected to resume once the pandemic is over. H&D have been represented at both PA conferences
Holy Druzhina
The Holy Druzhina is an alliance of far-right Orthodox organisations to oppose the Maidan in Russia. It was organised on 21 April 2021 by four organisations: Conservator, Russia Triune, Union of Orthodox Banner-Bearers, and the Association of Orthodox Experts. Other
Hundred Handers
Set up by Sam Melia, now Yorkshire regional organiser for PA and husband of the fascist party’s deputy leader Laura Melia, [Hundred Handers is a sticker operation where Melia and associates produce designs for stickers]( which supporters are then encouraged
Identitäre Bewegung Schweiz
(„Identitarian Movement Switzerland“) **Short description:** The ‘Identitäre Bewegung Schweiz’ uses also the name ‘Alpenrevolte’. **First sources:** – Twitter: (German) – Homepage: (German) – Facebook: (German) – Instagram: (German)
Identity England
Identity England (IE) is led by the former London organiser of Generation Identity UK (GI UK). This group is the only attempt to keep the identitarian tendency alive in Britain, following GI UK’s expulsion from the European wide network. Initially
Imperial Legion
Imperial Legion is the military wing of the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM). In 2008, the Russian Imperial Movement formed its paramilitary organisation (military-patriotic club) Imperial Legion, headed by Denis Gariev. The group has two training centres in St Petersburg. The
Institut de Formation Politique
IFP is a liberal-conservative training institute founded in 2004 by Jean Martinez, Thomas Millon and Alexandre Pesey (current director). The institute’s aim is to foster political engagement as early as for high-school pupils, around the opposition to the ideologies of
Institut de Sciences Sociales Economiques et Politiques
ISSEP is a private graduate school founded by Marion Maréchal in 2018 and based in Lyon.
Institut des Libertés
IDL is a liberal-conservative and euro-skeptic think tank founded in 2012 by the millionaire Charles Gave (president), together with Jean-Jacques Netter and Jean-Claude Gruffat. The institute has an informational, training and funding purpose.
Institut Iliade
Think tank for “the long European memory” created in 2014 by Philipe Conrad (president), Jean-Yves Le Gallou and Bernard Lugan. It can be considered as the heir of the GRECE (Research and Study Group for European Civilization), the think tank
Institut Thomas More
Institut Thomas More is a conservative-liberal think tank based in Paris and Bruxelles founded in 2004 and presided by Christian Boon Falleur. It aims at defending the European heritage and identity around the values of invididual “freedom” and free-maket economy.
Junge Tat
**Short description:** ‘Junge Tat’ is the youth section of the ‘Nationalen Aktionsfront’. **First sources:** – Instagram: (German) – Telegram: (German)
Karpatska Sich
**Karpatska Sich** is a regional far-right organization operating in Uzhgorod, Transcarpathian region. It stands against ‘cultural Marxism’, by which the members of Karpatska Sich mostly mean gender politics, multiculturalism, etc. The leader of Karpatska Sich is **Taras Deyak**. The organization
Katehon is a Russian righ-wing think tank owned by oligarch Konstantin Malofeev. Its official headquarters is in Moscow. The main task of this think tank is the international coordination of the dissemination of neo-Eurasian propaganda by the right-wing philosopher Alexander
“Kontrafunk” is a right-wing online radio station. It is run by German Burkhard Müller-Ullrich from Steckborn in Switzerland and addresses the entire German-speaking rum. Müller-Ullrich was co-founder of the right-wing podcast “indubio” at “Achse des Guten” in 2020. “Kontrafunk” had
La Cagoule 1937
A neo-nazi graffiti group which collaborates with many local neo-nazi and nationalist groups (Zouaves, Alvarium…). It is named in reference to a bombing attack in Paris on September 11 1937 committed by a far-right organisation CSAR (Comité secret d’action révolutionnaire)
La Cocarde Étudiante
Student union created in 2015 at Assas University in Paris by Maxime Duvauchelle, with local branches in other universities today. It aims to oppose cultural leftism in universities, immigration, and also liberalism to a certain extent. It promotes traditions, rootedness
La Manif pour Tous
Mouvement of organsations that came together in 2012 around the opposition to same-sex marriage and adoption for same-sex couples, discussed at the Parliament then. It succeeded in gathering a number of catholic-traditionalist groups into a wide movement of demonstrations. This
La Nouvelle Librairie
Historical far-right publishing house and physical book store located in Paris and re-opened by the writer François Bousquet in 2018. It is a central outlet for far-right publications including de Benoist, Camus, Institut Iliade, Langella, Le Pen, etc.
Les Braves
Created in 2016 by Daniel Conversano. Originally named “Suavelos”, it was renamed “Les Braves” in 2019. Online and physical community, openly racist and white supremacist. The network claims dozens of local sections, in France but also in several European countries.
Les Remparts Lyon
Les Remparts was created in 2021 after the dissolution of Génération Identitaire. It is now the new mother organisation of the two sub-organisations not dissolved at the time yet attached to the identitarian group : La Traboule (bar) and L’Agogé
Les Zouaves Paris
Les Zouaves is a far-right violent group founded in 2018 and dissolved by the French government on January 5 2022 as is spreads neo-Nazi, racist and white supremacist, homophobic and transphobic ideologies.
Ligue du Midi
Ligue du Midi is an indentitarian political organisation working at the regional level and founded in 2011 by Richard Roudier. It defends its regional identity and strongly opposes immigration and Islam.
Livre Noir
Livre Noir is an independant media created by François de Voyer and Erik Tegner (Former Les Républicains member, excluded from the party in 2019). The main topics announced for coverage are immigration, environment, insecurity, society and industry. In practice it
Local Matters
Local Matters is a side of the Identitarian Movement split which has attempted to publicly ditch identitarianism and portray themselves as localists instead. They have been relatively busy holding small-scale stunts and campaigning around local issues in the north of
London Forum
The London Forum is now largely defunct [having been infiltrated by Hope Not Hate]( and then having it’s figurehead [Jeremy Bedford-Turner jailed]( for giving an anti-Jewish speech. Many attendees of Forum events are now active in PA. Prior to the
Neo-fascist groupuscule active in Paris.
Lyon Populaire
Local organisation created in September 2019, from the ashes of the Bastion Social. The goals are similar: combining the protection of identity and social justice through providing supplies to French people in need, activism, and joint conferences with the connected
Male State
“Male State” (MG) was created by Vladislav Pozdnyakov in October 2016 within the framework of a closed community on the social network “VKontakte”. The movement’s activities are mainly carried out in the Internet environment: community members are engaged in bullying,
Maniacs. Murder. Cult
“Maniacs. Murder. Cult” is Russia’s newest neo-Nazi terrorist organization, created by Ukrainian neo-Nazi Yegor “Maniac” Krasnov in 2017. According to Russian special services, the group’s ideology is peoplehate. **Official position** The ICU first became known in January 2021. Russian media,
MesOS Reims
Neo-nazi nationalist hooligan group in Reims.
Millwall Berserkers
Millwall hooligans have long been associated with the far right and the Millwall Berserkers are the latest group to appear in this tradition. They attended the June 2020 ‘statue defenders’ protest in a large mob of Millwall hooligans and have
Misanthropic Division
Misanthropic Division is a neo-Nazi movement with a network structure, which exists in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, as well as in a number of Western countries. According to the Investigative Committee of Russia, Misanthropic Division cells appeared in 19 countries,
Premise for activities as well as bar for the identitarian movement in Rouen. Formerly called Yggdrasil, it was renamed after the dissolution of Génération Identitaire. It advertises itself as a “cultural rooted organisation”.
Moto Club Serbs ( MC SRBI)
Moto Club Serbs was formed in 2012 and is actually a group of Neo-Nazis organized and registered as a Moto Club. This group numbers more than 70 people. Most of the members of this organization are between 30 and 45
Narodny Sobor
Narodny Sobor (People’s Council) is a Russian far-right social movement based on the ideas of national patriotism and orthodoxy and dedicated to the protection of public morals and traditional family values. The aim of the People’s Council is to transform
National Action
Neo-Nazi youth group, set up by former youth BNP members, which was proscribed in 2016 after Jo Cox MP was murdered and one of their supporters used an NA twitter account to say: “Only 649 MPs to go”. After NA
National Council of European Resistance
The National Council of European Resistance (Conseil national de la résistance européenne) is a pan-European political organisation created jointly by Renaud Camus and Karim Ouchikh in 2017. The official aim is to gather French and European personalities to “defend the
National Defence League
The Scottish Defence League (SDL) outlasted the English Defence League and drifted further to the right. At one point publicly associating with National Action (NA). In January 2020 the SDL was rebranded as the [National Defence League]( Despite the name
National defense Leviathan
Leviathan were founded in 2015 as an informal gang of criminals and thugs from the far right milieu who used the alleged fight for animal welfare as a cover for fascist and criminal activities. The core of the group consists
National Resistance
The *National Resistance* (NR) — an ultranationalistic movement linked to various attacks on immigrants, Roma people, Turks, LGBT groups and leftists. On June 6, 2010, four left-wing activists were attacked in a tram while on their way to a pro-immigrant
National Resistance
**The National Resistance** (NR) is an Odesa-founded organization with an active activist core in Kyiv. Together with other far-right groups, it is involved in disrupting feminist activities, criticizing ‘cultural Marxism’ and calling for the fight against anti-fascists. At the rallies,
National Support Detachment
‘Military style splinter group’ which split from fascist party Patriotic Alternative (PA) and is led by former soldier Alek Yerbury. The NSD says they will “provide active support to nationalism in Britain, through organised efforts to overcome the tactics of
Nemesis is a “feminist” far-right organisation denouncing in reality a migratory “invasion” and opposing Islam, through the defense of and identitarian feminism. It is a typical example of “Femonationalism” theorised by Sarah Farris, namely the instrumentalisation of feminism for racist
New British Union
Small explicitly fascist group.
New Issues Group
A secretive organisation in the House of Lords called the New Issues Group (NIG) has been [exposed by anti-racist charity Hope Not Hate]( For more than a decade, the NIG has been collaborating with far-right activists. The group includes former
North Slavic community
The North Slavic Community is a far-right paramilitary group based in St Petersburg that positions itself as a military-patriotic community of modern Cossacks. The group claims to have been operating in St Petersburg for more than 12 years, but its
NS/WP is a highly dangerous russian terrorist nazi group which specializes in murders. Most of the NS/WP attacks were carried out in the late 00s and early 10s, however in the end of 2021 a new ( made by NS/WP
Oeuvre française
Founded in 1968 by Pierre Sidos (1927-2020), a historical far-right figure (OAS, Occident). He presided the organisation until 2012, when Yvan Benedetti took over the leadership. The organisation was dissolved by the French government in 2013, following the death of
Order of the Nine Angles
A neo-Nazi Satanist scene which in the 90s was believed to have less than five adherents. Since the collapse of National Action the Order of Nine Angles (O9A) has been given a significant amount of attention due to neo-Nazi terrorists
Ouest Casual
Ouest Casual is a communication channel mainly active on Telegram (but also present on Facebook), posting and re-posting violent photos, videos and propaganda messages for numerous neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups in Europe and beyond. The channel is reportedly managed,
Paris Nationaliste
Nationalist activist group based in Paris connected to Yvan Benedetti’s party Les Nationalistes.
Patria Albiges
Patria Albiges is an identitarian group in Albi, born from the ashes of Génération Identitaire, dissolved in March 2021. Some of its activists were involved in a violent assault towards two left-wing student unionists in October 2021.
People’s Patrol
The People’s Patrol is a far-right anti-immigrant organization established in February 2020. It is centered in Belgrade, although it also has branches in border towns such as Subotica, Sombor, Bačka Palanka, and Šid. Its members occasionally stop migrants from entering
Pie & Mash Squad
The Pie & Mash Squad were a split from the EDL, originally called Casuals United and led by football hooligan Joe Butler, also known as Joe Marsh. There have been a few occasions where [the Pie & Mash Squad have
Pitbull Paris
Neo-nazi nationalist hooligan group in Paris.
PMC Española
PMC Española is a Russian combat unit which consists of football hooligans. The battalion was created shortly after the start of Russia’s war with Ukraine. The battalion was originally contracted to the Vostok Brigade, now the 114th Independent Guards Yenakievo-Dunai
Political Network for Values
It is an ultra-conservative thinking tank that organises international conferences under brandname Transatlantic summit to promote traditional values “Family, Life and Freedoms”. The organisation has been active since at least 2014 in Spanish- and English-speaking countries. Its expert council is
Popular Resistance Association
ANS is a Russian national anarchist political organization. Founded in 2016 by a number of former activists of People’s Will, NBP, Volnitsa and other movements. ANS combines left-wing populism with far-right views. Ideologically it combines neo-narodnichestvo, and Third Position-style views
Proud Boys UK
There is a Proud Boys group in the UK which has a relatively large Telegram channel and has held one small camping trip to date. They have not done much else.
**short description:** QAnon is a kind of online-sect which appears 2017. It is based at mysterious hints in the Internet, given by a person called himself ‘Q’. Till the end of August 2020 “Q” published 3.500 posts. It tells a
Radio Albion
Radio Albion used to be known as Radio Aryan until Mark Collett suggested it change it’s name to something less overtly Nazi. [Run by James Allchurch](, who used to contribute to the Daily Stormer and was a prominent supporter of
Readovka is a media outlet which started to gain popularity through spreading news about “migrant rampages” in Russia. **General information** The online media outlet Readovka was founded in 2011 in Smolensk as a typical urban public forum in Russia’s main
Reconnaissance Detachment Moscow, 106th Airborne Division
Reconnaissance Detachment Moscow, 106th Airborne Division is a Russian right wing military unit which consists of right-wing football hooligans. This unit was created specifically to gather far-right football hooligans into one unit. The Moscow reconnaissance company first became known in
Right Bloc
“Right Bloc” is a democratic movement that unites right-wing and nationalist on the basis of the ideas of national democracy. Formed in February 2018. In 2019 was an attempt to create a political party called “Third Alternative” based on the
Rus Triedinaya
Rus Triedinaya (Russ triedinaya) is a pro-Russian Orthodox imperial organisation formed in Kharkiv in 2004. It publishes a newspaper of the same name. In 2014, its permanent leader Sergey Moiseyev emigrated to Russia. **Self-description** “Since 2005, our organisation in the
“Rusich” is a combat unit of Russian nationalists and neo-Nazis who took part in the war in Ukraine. The “Rusich” Diversion and Assault Reconnaissance Group is a volunteer group which was formed in early June 2014. “Rusich” included two assault
Russian Imperial Movement
The Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) is a monarchist, white supremacist group operating out of Russia with supporters around the world opposed to president of Russia Vladimir Putin. RIM describes itself as a "Russian monarchist, Orthodox-patriotic, and right-conservative organization. We fight
Russian National Unity
The all-Russian public patriotic movement Russian National Unity (RNE) or Barkashovtsy, Barkashov Guards is a Russian far-right paramilitary nationalist organisation founded on 16 October 1990 by a Alexander “Petrovich” Barkashov. A distinctive feature of RNE is the black paramilitary uniform
Russian Volunteer Corps
The Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) is a new volunteer unit made up of far-right militants from Russia fighting on the Ukrainian side. Information about the group first appeared in August on a Telegram channel, which belongs to a well-known Russian
Russian-Slavic Unification and Revival
The Russian-Slavic Union and Revival is a far-right public organisation based in Sevastopol (Crimea) that brings together Slavic peoples. RUSOV was organised by Sevastopol native Andrei Rodionov on 26 April 2012, a period when Crimea had not yet been annexed
Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX)
Extensive research outlining far-right connections of SSPX (work tbc here before launch)
Society of Saint Pius X Resistance
PUBLIC Richard Williamson, former Bishop of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) is known promoting Holocaust denial and extremely anti-Semitic views. He was expelled from SSPX for “[having distanced himself from the management and the government of the SSPX
[Society.Future]( is National Democracy movement founded in November 2020 by new right politician Roman Yuneman. It’s leader is Danil Mahnitskiy from “New people” party. The movement considers itself in opposition to the Putin regime. Its structure involves a limited number
Sonnenkrieg Division
A [group of teenagers who met online]( which was proscribed in February 2020 for being a split from SRN. Several members have been jailed for making images glorifying terrorism.
Sorok Sorokov
Sorok Sorokov (“Forty forties”) is an extremely conservative Russian social movement that positions itself as a unifying platform for people of Orthodox Christianity with an active civic position. The movement was founded on June 1, 2013, by composer Andrei Kormukhin
Sputnik i Pogrom
“Sputnik & Pogrom” is the most prominent nationalist media outlet in Russia, launched in 2012 by Yegor Prosvirnin. The name of the publication was born out of a joke and is a synthesis of common Russisms (Russian words that have
St Petersburg University
**While St. Petersburg University in itself is not a far-right organization it is part of the larger ecosystem surrounding the European far-right as can be explored through its connections** Marion Maréchal’s ISSEP partner university.
Strasbourg Offender
Neo-nazi nationalist hooligan group in Strasbourg.
System Resistance Network
In February 2020 the [System Resistance Network]( (SRN) was proscribed by the government who said it was a continuation of National Action, the banned neo-Nazi youth group.
Tenesoun is a neo-fascist group born in October 2019 in Aix-en-Provence, out of the ashes of Bastion Social dissolved by the French government in April 2019. In April 2022, a new section of the group was created in Orange.
The Nationalist Movement
The Nationalist Movement (DN) is a young organisation of a Russian nationalists which was created on July 2, 2020 as “the political response of the Russian Nation to the extension of the reign of the anti-people dictator Vladimir Putin”. The
The Order
The Order is a right-wing conservative organization formed around Eduard Yurchenko, former speaker of the National Corps. Its ideology reflects Yurchenko’s own views and refers to the European tradition of the New Right and Alexander Dugin’s Russian Eurasianism (however, Yurchenko
The Reality Report
The Reality Report (TRR) are a collective of conspiracy theorist far-right YouTubers who think they’re citizen journalists. TRR helped to organise a group of DFLA supporters to physically defend the GI UK founding conference. TRR were operating within PA’s orbit
The South Face
Neo-nazi group active in Montpellier and surrounding towns, known for violent actions on “leftist” places, its participation in anti-covid pass/measures demonstrations, and for its porosity with other local far-right groups. As many other similar informal violent groups, it uses the
Totenburg is a Russian far-right publishing house named after the SS mausoleum in Poland. Totenburg specializes in publishing books by European authors.
Tradition and Order
**Tradition and Order** is a far-right conservative organization that positions itself as an advocate of Christian values. Tradition and Order was founded in 2016 on the basis of another far-right organization, **Revanche**. Tradition and Order members are responsible for numerous
Traditional Britain Group
The Traditional Britain Group (TBG)’s annual conference, held in central London, is one of the most significant gatherings of the British far-right which [brings together people from neo-Nazis through to the hard-right of the Conservative Party]( The TBG regularly invites
Tsargrad group of companies
Tsargrad is a large group of companies owned by russian orthodox businessman Konstantin Malofeev. Tsargrad group includes eponymous media group and it’s main active ultra conservative channel Tsargrad TV and different online media to promote conservative and monarchist agenda in
Tsargrad TV
Tsargrad TV channel is right wing project with which the name of Orthodox businessman Konstantin Malofeev has been most often associated in recent years. In April 2015, it began broadcasting on YouTube, became available on TV only in January 2016,
Union of Orthodox Banner-Bearers
Union of Orthodox Banner-Bearers (SPKh or Khrugvenostsy) is a Russian nationalist-fundamentalist organization that identifies itself as part of the Russian Orthodox Church, though the church has implicitly [repudiated]( that claim. It was founded in 1992. Its leader Leonid Simonovich-Nikshich estimated
UNITED HULL. Hull Action Against Grooming gangs.
Facebook group with nearly 4,000 members organising protests against ‘grooming gangs’ which are being attended by fascists.
Valence Patriote
Valence Patriote is a far-right group active in Valence, born out of the ashes of Génération Identitaire, dissolved in March 2021.
Vandal Besak
Neo-nazi group in Besançon.
Vanguard Britannia
New British fascist group which appeared in August 2022.
Vent d’Est
Vent d’Est is a neo-fascist group born in Strasbourg in September 2019, out of the ashes of Bastion Social dissolved by the French government in April 2019.
Wagner Group
The Wagner Group is a private military company (PMC) based in Russia. It is believed to be owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Russian businessman with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The group has been active in various conflicts
Western Spring
Western Spring is a neo-Nazi group set up by former British National Party organisers Larry Nunn and Matthew Tait. When the Sigurd camps were wound up Western Spring took them over and set up the [Legion Martial Arts Club]( which
White Papers Policy Institute
The WPPI appears to be intending to become a transnational Anglophone fascist think tank and is already closely aligned with Patriotic Alternative (PA) in Britain and the National Justice Party (NJP) in the USA. They are publishing short notes on
White Rex
White Rex is famous nazi spots clothing and MMA-events brand founded by Denis Kapustin (Nikitin). [Official site]( Date the founding of the brand was also not chosen randomly – on August 14, 2008 (08/14/08), which is another reference to neo-Nazi
World Congress of Families
The World Congress of Families is an SPLC designated hate group, “a project of the former Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society (now the International Organization for the Family), serves as an umbrella for a massive network of interconnected
Yellow Vest Protestors
For a brief period in 2019, [the UK had its own ‘Yellow Vests’](, largely drawn from the counter-jihad movement but mainly active around Brexit. These have disappeared with one of the leading figures, James Goddard, another far-right social media personality,
Youth Association for Russian Justice
Youth Association for Russian Justice is rightwing organization stationed in St. Petersburg. Head of MARS is 20-year-old Dmitriy Moralikov (Savshinskiy). They held a small march on 10 July 2021 through a street in St. Petersburg chanting “Russians, forward!” MARS began
The group were found in 2020 and consists mainly of younger neo-Nazis. On this group’s page can be founded an undisclosed admiration of various fascist leaders from the past, as well as the promotion of fascist symbols and attitudes, all
Zoulous Nice
Neo-nazi nationalist hooligan group in Nice.