Alliance for Peace and Freedom
The Alliance for “Peace and Freedom” (APF) is a far-right European political party founded on 4 February 2015. The main member parties had been involved in the now defunct European National Front. The party wishes to establish a network of
Belgrade Nationalist
A new network of far-right organizations that is specific compared to the previous ones. First, it is not tied to the states of the structure, nor is it in favor of Russia. Ukraine has become a new center of gathering
Blood & Honour Schweiz / Combat 18 Schweiz
**Strength:** 150-200 (2007) **Short desciption:** The chapter Switzerland of Blood & Honour is part of the international network. The Swiss chapter was founded 1997/98 in the german speaking part and 2003 in the french speaking part of the country („Romandie“).
Blood &Honor Serbia
Founded on June 25, 1995. The Serbian branch is an organization that gathers domestic Nazi skinheads and its most significant actions were memorial concerts in honor of the birthdays of Adolf Hitler and other Nazi criminals. In Serbia, there are
Hammerskins Schweiz / Schweizer Hammerskins, Crew 38
**Strength:** dozens **Short description:** The SHS Schweiz started at the beginning of the 1990s. Hammerskins and Hells Angels Schweiz share the Security-Job-Business. They organise a Hammerfest every year. PNOS-President Florian Gerber is member of the SHS. Members of SHS/C38 are:
Hundriver RAC Neonazi (rock against communism) band. Latest album has song “Ustali smo” about Croatian fascist – ustaše. 01. Resistance 02. Argus skinheads 03. Nyisd ki rózsám kapudat 04. Erdély földjén 05. Kitartás bajtársak 06. Ustali smo 07. Elhangzott szavak 08.
Identitäre Bewegung Schweiz
(„Identitarian Movement Switzerland“) **Short description:** The ‘Identitäre Bewegung Schweiz’ uses also the name ‘Alpenrevolte’. **First sources:** – Twitter: (German) – Homepage: (German) – Facebook: (German) – Instagram: (German)
Junge Tat
**Short description:** ‘Junge Tat’ is the youth section of the ‘Nationalen Aktionsfront’. **First sources:** – Instagram: (German) – Telegram: (German)
“Kontrafunk” is a right-wing online radio station. It is run by German Burkhard Müller-Ullrich from Steckborn in Switzerland and addresses the entire German-speaking rum. Müller-Ullrich was co-founder of the right-wing podcast “indubio” at “Achse des Guten” in 2020. “Kontrafunk” had
Legio Hungaria
Legion Hungária is a far-right organisation founded in 2018, independent of party politics.
Moto Club Serbs ( MC SRBI)
Moto Club Serbs was formed in 2012 and is actually a group of Neo-Nazis organized and registered as a Moto Club. This group numbers more than 70 people. Most of the members of this organization are between 30 and 45
National and Social Front
Národní a sociální fronta –
National defense Leviathan
Leviathan were founded in 2015 as an informal gang of criminals and thugs from the far right milieu who used the alleged fight for animal welfare as a cover for fascist and criminal activities. The core of the group consists
Nordic Resistance Movement
Nordic Resistance Movement (Swedish: Nordiska motståndsrörelsen; NMR, Norwegian Bokmål: Nordiske motstandsbevegelsen; NMB and Nynorsk: Nordiske motstandsrørsla; NMR, Finnish: Pohjoismainen Vastarintaliike; PVL, Icelandic: Norræna mótstöðuhreyfingin; NMH, Danish: Den nordiske modstandsbevægelse; NMB, Russian: Северное движение сопротивление) is a swedish official political party
Norwegian Defence League
Norwegian offshoot of the English Defence League and European Defence League promoting islamophobia. After initial leadership conflicts and about a month under the leadership of Lena Andreassen (who was dismissed by EDL liaison Steve Simmons) the NDL has been led
People’s Patrol
The People’s Patrol is a far-right anti-immigrant organization established in February 2020. It is centered in Belgrade, although it also has branches in border towns such as Subotica, Sombor, Bačka Palanka, and Šid. Its members occasionally stop migrants from entering
A small group, mostly acting in obscurity. Aligned with the Nazi ideology. Their first appearance was in 12 October 2015 as organizers of a martial arts festival. Members of the group are frequently seen in photos with Golden Dawn leading
Sacred Band (Ieros Lochos)
(Greek: Ιερός Λόχος 2012, translated “Sacred Band 2012”, is a smaller nationalist organization, based in Thessaloniki. Founded in 2012, the group attracted publicity when its members attempted to stop the Thessaloniki Pride march in June 2017 and to interrupt a
Soldiers of Odin / Odinin sotilaat
The Soldiers of Odin is an anti-immigrant group founded in Kemi Finland in 2015. The group has been described as a racist and neo-Nazi group. It’s founder Mika Ranta has connections to the Nordic Resistance Movement and has been convicted
Stop Islamisation of Norway / Stop Islamiseringen Av Norge
Anti Muslim group, known for staging protests and burning Qurans. The organizatio was established in 2008, but has roots in a group started in 2000. In mid 2011 it was estimated that the group had close to 3000 members. Their
The group were found in 2020 and consists mainly of younger neo-Nazis. On this group’s page can be founded an undisclosed admiration of various fascist leaders from the past, as well as the promotion of fascist symbols and attitudes, all
ΑΜΕ / “Combat 18 Hellas”
Same group has been using both names. AME comes from the initials of “Independant Meandrian Nationalists”. Openly Nazi in ideology, they have used the C18 name from time to time since 2015 to 2018, when some members were arrested by