Collegium Intermarium
Partner university with Marion Maréchal’s ISSEP.
Génération Identitaire Belgique
Section of Generation Identity in Belgium set up in February 2021.
Hundriver RAC Neonazi (rock against communism) band. Latest album has song “Ustali smo” about Croatian fascist – ustaše. 01. Resistance 02. Argus skinheads 03. Nyisd ki rózsám kapudat 04. Erdély földjén 05. Kitartás bajtársak 06. Ustali smo 07. Elhangzott szavak 08.
Legio Hungaria
Legion Hungária is a far-right organisation founded in 2018, independent of party politics.
National and Social Front
Národní a sociální fronta –
Norwegian Defence League
Norwegian offshoot of the English Defence League and European Defence League promoting islamophobia. After initial leadership conflicts and about a month under the leadership of Lena Andreassen (who was dismissed by EDL liaison Steve Simmons) the NDL has been led
Schild & Vrienden
Schild en Vrienden (“Shields and Friends”) is a Flemish nationalist youth group created in 2017. It belongs to the Identitarian movement.
Soldiers of Odin / Odinin sotilaat
The Soldiers of Odin is an anti-immigrant group founded in Kemi Finland in 2015. The group has been described as a racist and neo-Nazi group. It’s founder Mika Ranta has connections to the Nordic Resistance Movement and has been convicted
Stop Islamisation of Norway / Stop Islamiseringen Av Norge
Anti Muslim group, known for staging protests and burning Qurans. The organizatio was established in 2008, but has roots in a group started in 2000. In mid 2011 it was estimated that the group had close to 3000 members. Their
Szturm! “The monthly national radical magazine ‘Szturm’ is the place where a modern nationalist idea is created. This idea is Storm Nationalism.