Academia Christiana
“Identitarian and catholic” youth organisation and training institute founded in 2013. They promote rootedness, patriotism, defending a “third way” to live with a community against neoliberalism and marxism. They organise conferences, training weekends and yearly summer camps.
Acción Juvenil Valencia
Organization created in June 2020 in Valencia and that is presented on its networks as a «militant, nationalist, sportsman and youth group anti-drug that defends the interests of the Valencian people. Job, struggle and tradition ». In full alarm over
Acción Social
ASTRURIAS. The group defines itself as a social-patriot association, and begins its activity at end of 2015. Since then it has carried out numerous activities in various locations in the region, such as food collections, rallies and demonstrations, campaigns, training
Action Française
The Action française (Centre Royaliste d’Action Française (CRAF)) is a counter-revolutionary nationalist and monarchist organisation founded in 1898 by Charles Maurras, Maurice Pujo and Henri Vaugeois, in the historical context of the Dreyfus affair. It is known for its xenophobia
Alcalá 1247
Born in early 2018, it defines itself as the Patriot Social Collective of Alcalá de Guadaira (Madrid), with the motto “History-Identity-Tradition-Social Justice”. During the pandemic, he directed his criticism to the management by the Government and they join the campaign
Alliance for Peace and Freedom
The Alliance for “Peace and Freedom” (APF) is a far-right European political party founded on 4 February 2015. The main member parties had been involved in the now defunct European National Front. The party wishes to establish a network of
Almería Inconforme
Organization created in 2015, the year in which only its participation in an act of tribute to “the fallen” on the beach of La Garrofa, organized by Falange, and its collaboration with the campaign «Caravana del Sur», a food collection
Alvarium is an identitarian organisation based in Angers, founded in 2017 by Jean-Eudes Gannat. It is dissolved on November 17th 2021 by the French governement for inciting to discrimination and hate on the basis of race, sexuality, gender and religion
Anti Corruption Ireland
Asociación Cultural Alfonso I
Association created in 2012 in the city of Cantabria to defend identity, threatened according to they explain on their website, for multiculturalism and globalization. They advocate for suppression of autonomies and the exit of Spain from NATO and the Union
Asociación Cultural In Memoriam Juan Ignacio
Created in September 2011 in memory of Juan Ignacio González Ramírez, leader of the neo-fascist organization Frente de la Juventud, assassinated in 1980. The Youth Front was an organization from Fuerza Nueva that perpetrated numerous violent acts for several years
Asociación de Abogados Cristianos
Association of lawyers created in 2008 dedicated to denouncing before the courts feminist groups or actions that they consider offensive to religious sentiments.
Asociación Rodrigo de Bastidas
SEVILLA. Youth association for the promotion of identity activities, historical, cultural and social, active since October 2017. Rodrigo de Bastidas was a Sevillian conqueror who participated in the voyages of Columbus. His activity to date has consisted of commemorating symbolic
Auctorum Social
“Social” organisation founded in October 2019 under the banner of “Identity, Community, Social Justice” in Versailles. Similar to Bastion Social (dissolved in April 2019) and Génération Identitaire (dissolved in March 2021), it aims at distributing supplies to French people in
Audace Lyon
Created in September 2019 from the ashes of Bastion Social. It has similar goals and similar people involved: protecting identity and conducting “social” activities for French people only.
Avanguardia Ordinovista
Avanguardia Ordinovista is a neo-fascist group inspired by the formation of the terrorist faction ‘New Order’, banned in 1976 for inspiration from the Mussolini’s regime. The group dreamed of a new Italy, cleansed of immigrants and with women at home,
Avant Guarde
L’Avant Guarde is a organisation/movement that aims to create and sustain political engagement at the local level through an active network. It was created in 2015 by Charles Millon (president), Charles Beigbeder and Julie Graziani. The motivating values are the
Bastión Frontal
Youth collective founded in Madrid. They are defined as: «A movement youth nationalist who arises to confront the decadent economic, political and social situation to which we Spaniards now we face”. They arise in May 2020 and bring together members
Bastion Social
Neo-fascist organisation born from the ashes of the Groupe Union Défencse (GUD) in 2017 in Lyon, and inspired by the Italian neo-fascist movement Casa Pound. It opened local sections in Lyon (Lugdunum – Bastion Social) and inspired local sections in
Blood & Honour Schweiz / Combat 18 Schweiz
**Strength:** 150-200 (2007) **Short desciption:** The chapter Switzerland of Blood & Honour is part of the international network. The Swiss chapter was founded 1997/98 in the german speaking part and 2003 in the french speaking part of the country („Romandie“).
Bordeaux Nationaliste
Activist group in Bordeaux close to Yvan Benedetti’s party Les Nationalistes.
Carrefour de l’Horloge
Carrefour de l’Horloge (known as Club de l’Horloge until 2015) is a national-liberal think tank founded in 1974 by Jean-Paul Antoine, Yvan Blot, Jean-Yves Le Gallou, Henry de Lesquen, Didier Maupas and Bernard Mazin. It is presided by Henry de
Casaggì is the right-wing student organization set in Florence (Tuscany), that defines itself as “identitarian”. Their social network accounts are a showcase of old right-wing paraphernalia with tens of racist users’ comments, a virtual army of “haters”. Its symbol is
The Spanish Circle of Friends of Europe (CEDADE) was a group of national socialist ideology created in Barcelona in 1966 and dissolved in 1993. It constituted an international network for the dissemination of neo-Nazi propaganda. It was related to the
The origin of this association and social center takes place in 2006, when, in his own words: “A group of young people with experience in different patriotic projects understood necessary for Salamanca the creation of a meeting point for the
Foundation created by Hazte Oír in August 2013 to promote international campaigns with ultra-Catholic content.
Collegium Intermarium
Partner university with Marion Maréchal’s ISSEP.
PUBLIC Comhrá ran a series of events in Dublin from 2017 onwards promoting far-right themes but haven’t been very active since 2019 (Twitter account is suspended). US white nationalist, Jared Taylor of American Renaissance spoke at their 7th October 2017
Comité de liason et d’aide nationaliste
CLAN is an organisation created in 2012 to support nationalist activists in France and Europe who get arrested by the Police. They aim to provide moral, financial and legal support to the targeted activists and their families.
Community of the Twelve Rays
The Community of the Twelve Rays (Do.Ra.) – inspired by the twelve rays of the esoteric ‘nazi black sun’ – was born in February 2012 in Varese, from the union of Ultras “7 Laghi” and Varese Skinheads, two groups connected
The Comunidad Política Vértice is an organization that emerged in 2018 and that It was presented in Almería by two Falangist militants: Miguel Ángel Póo and José Julio Cuevas Muela. Both were on the Falange Española de las JONS lists
Des Tours et des Lys
Local neofascist group active in Tours. Similar to other local groups such as Auctorum in Versailles, Lyon Populaire, Alvarium in Angers, their activities revolve around the promotion of identitarian slogans, physical training, “social” help and building and defending the “community”.
Devenir Europeo
Association founded in 2007, declared National Socialist, led by neo-Nazi Ramón Bau Fradera, founder and later Secretary General of the neo-Nazi organization CEDADE. Bau is considered one of the ideologues of neo-Nazism in Spain. Devenir Europeo bases its activity on
Égalité et Réconciliation
Organisation created in 2007 and former Groupe Union Défense (GUD) members. It revolves around Alain Soral, still its president, and promotes an ideology based on national-socialism, antisemitism, and is known for spreading conspiracy theories (fed by the COVID-19 pandemic).
El Instituto Superior de Sociología, Economía y Política
Spanish branch of Marion Maréchal’s private graduate school.
Eléments is a magazine founded as an official media outlet for the GRECE, the research group of the French Nouvelle Droite (New Right). It is published every other month. Alain de Benoist is one of the founders and was the
Équipe Communautaire Paris
Équipe Communautaire Paris (ECP) is one of the local groups of the white supremacist Les Braves (formerly Suavelos), and also there biggest section with more than 50 members in the Paris region. It is advertised as a network promoting “community
[FEDErAction]( (FEDErAzione) is an identitarian and nationalist voluntary service network with about twenty local realities, attributable to militant communities of the neo-fascist area of the northern but also of southern Italy in the case of spaces, such as the Forum
Fondation Polémia
Identitarian think tank and media founded in 2002 by Jean-Yves Le Gallou (ex- GRECE, FN and MNR). It aims at defending “identity, security and European freedom” through an activity of “re-information” in front the “media tyranny”. It accordingly organises the
Foro Catalán de la Familia / Catalan Family Forum
[Created in February 2007]( as an entity attached to the Spanish Family Forum. Its objectives include the prohibition of abortion, euthanasia and homosexual marriage.
Fraction is an identitarian national-revolutionary rock band founded in 1994 and mainly active until 2007, but which initiated a come-back since 2019. Central members have been the identitarians Fabrice Robert -still active- and Philippe Vardon, both former members of Front
Frente Atlético
Ultra fan group of the Club Atlético de Madrid founded in 1982 and which in 2014 had around 4,000 members.
Fundación Francisco Franco
The Francisco Franco National Foundation is a private institution that It was created in 1976 to spread the memory and work of the dictator Francisco Franco. It has legal personality as a cultural association. Its main activity is the management
Furie française
Furie française (formerly known as La Meute) is a far-right group active in Toulouse, born out of the ashes of Génération Identitaire, dissolved in March 2021.
Génération A
Support organisation to Asselineau’s UPR, launched on December 13 2021 by Fabien Sémat, decidated to spread the party’s idea to younger people. Obviously echoes Zemmour’s “Génération Z”, RN’s “Géneration Nation” and even “Génération Identitaire”.
Génération Identitaire
Génération Identitaire was founded in 2012 (dissolved in 2021), originally as the youth section of the Identitarian Bloc (Bloc Identitaire) but became autonomous in 2016. The organisation aims at defending a white “indigenous” European identity in front to extra-European immigration
Génération Identitaire Belgique
Section of Generation Identity in Belgium set up in February 2021.
Génération Z
Génération Z (Génération Zemmour) is a youth movement and organisation launched by young activists in February 2021 to support Eric Zemmour’s candidacy to the presidential elections. Even though it is presented as an independent mouvement which was not at Zemmour’s
Founded at the end of 2019, it takes the name of another existing group years ago of the same ideology in the Madrid town. With hardly any activity, its journey begins coinciding with the pandemic and direct their campaigns and
GRIPT media
Gript media is a website with a national to international focus that has been described as [right wing](, [alt right]( and far right (MeNeely, Gary. “Mum’s fears over anti-abortion vid; Far-right propaganda bid,” The Sun UK. October 18, 2019. Accessed
Groupe Union Défense
Groupe Union Défense (GUD) was a national-revolutionary far-right student organisation founded in 1968. It is known for its violent street activism and in 2017 it becomes Bastion Social.
Hammerskin Spain
Spanish delegation of the international group Hammerskin, outlawed in 2009.
Hammerskins Schweiz / Schweizer Hammerskins, Crew 38
**Strength:** dozens **Short description:** The SHS Schweiz started at the beginning of the 1990s. Hammerskins and Hells Angels Schweiz share the Security-Job-Business. They organise a Hammerfest every year. PNOS-President Florian Gerber is member of the SHS. Members of SHS/C38 are:
Hazte Oír
HazteOir is a Spanish far-right, ultra-Catholic and ultra-conservative association founded by Ignacio Arsuaga in February 2001. Since 2013 he has been part of the CitizenGo pressure group, an organization with similar characteristics founded by HazteOir herself.
Hogar Social Madrid
Hogar Social Madrid (HSM) emerged in 2014 with the occupation of a empty property in a migrant and multicultural working-class neighborhood of Madrid. They copy the model of the Italian fascist group CasaPound, born in 2003, which started occupying a
Identitäre Bewegung Schweiz
(„Identitarian Movement Switzerland“) **Short description:** The ‘Identitäre Bewegung Schweiz’ uses also the name ‘Alpenrevolte’. **First sources:** – Twitter: (German) – Homepage: (German) – Facebook: (German) – Instagram: (German)
Institut de Formation Politique
IFP is a liberal-conservative training institute founded in 2004 by Jean Martinez, Thomas Millon and Alexandre Pesey (current director). The institute’s aim is to foster political engagement as early as for high-school pupils, around the opposition to the ideologies of
Institut de Sciences Sociales Economiques et Politiques
ISSEP is a private graduate school founded by Marion Maréchal in 2018 and based in Lyon.
Institut des Libertés
IDL is a liberal-conservative and euro-skeptic think tank founded in 2012 by the millionaire Charles Gave (president), together with Jean-Jacques Netter and Jean-Claude Gruffat. The institute has an informational, training and funding purpose.
Institut Iliade
Think tank for “the long European memory” created in 2014 by Philipe Conrad (president), Jean-Yves Le Gallou and Bernard Lugan. It can be considered as the heir of the GRECE (Research and Study Group for European Civilization), the think tank
Institut Thomas More
Institut Thomas More is a conservative-liberal think tank based in Paris and Bruxelles founded in 2004 and presided by Christian Boon Falleur. It aims at defending the European heritage and identity around the values of invididual “freedom” and free-maket economy.
Iona Institute
PUBLIC The [Iona Institute]( was founded by David Quinn in 2007 and is registered in Ireland as a charity. The Iona Institute campaigns against [social]( and [reproductive]( rights. The Iona Institute is [reported]( to be in receipt of funding from
Irish Society for Christian Civilisation
PUBLIC Irish Society of Christian Civilisation (ISFCC) is the [Irish branch]( of the [International right wing religious movement, Tradition, Family, Property]( founded by Brazilian landowner and politician[ Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira]( Oliveira is known for anti-Semitic views [referring]( to Jewish
Irish Society for Saint Pius X Resistance
PUBLIC The Irish Society of Saint Pius X Resistance is an anti-Semitic religious cult based in Roscarberry, West Cork. Father Giacomo Ballini who [purchased]( the Roscarberry property in 2016 led an exorcism in December 2020 in response to pandemic restrictions
Junge Tat
**Short description:** ‘Junge Tat’ is the youth section of the ‘Nationalen Aktionsfront’. **First sources:** – Instagram: (German) – Telegram: (German)
“Kontrafunk” is a right-wing online radio station. It is run by German Burkhard Müller-Ullrich from Steckborn in Switzerland and addresses the entire German-speaking rum. Müller-Ullrich was co-founder of the right-wing podcast “indubio” at “Achse des Guten” in 2020. “Kontrafunk” had
La Cagoule 1937
A neo-nazi graffiti group which collaborates with many local neo-nazi and nationalist groups (Zouaves, Alvarium…). It is named in reference to a bombing attack in Paris on September 11 1937 committed by a far-right organisation CSAR (Comité secret d’action révolutionnaire)
La Cocarde Étudiante
Student union created in 2015 at Assas University in Paris by Maxime Duvauchelle, with local branches in other universities today. It aims to oppose cultural leftism in universities, immigration, and also liberalism to a certain extent. It promotes traditions, rootedness
La España en Marcha
La España en Marcha (LEM) was formed in 2013 for the 2014 European elections as a coalition of far-right parties. The coalition won 17000 votes. The stated goal of the coalition is “the recovery of patriotic greatness, opposition to disintegrating
La Manif pour Tous
Mouvement of organsations that came together in 2012 around the opposition to same-sex marriage and adoption for same-sex couples, discussed at the Parliament then. It succeeded in gathering a number of catholic-traditionalist groups into a wide movement of demonstrations. This
La Nouvelle Librairie
Historical far-right publishing house and physical book store located in Paris and re-opened by the writer François Bousquet in 2018. It is a central outlet for far-right publications including de Benoist, Camus, Institut Iliade, Langella, Le Pen, etc.
Les Braves
Created in 2016 by Daniel Conversano. Originally named “Suavelos”, it was renamed “Les Braves” in 2019. Online and physical community, openly racist and white supremacist. The network claims dozens of local sections, in France but also in several European countries.
Les Remparts Lyon
Les Remparts was created in 2021 after the dissolution of Génération Identitaire. It is now the new mother organisation of the two sub-organisations not dissolved at the time yet attached to the identitarian group : La Traboule (bar) and L’Agogé
Les Zouaves Paris
Les Zouaves is a far-right violent group founded in 2018 and dissolved by the French government on January 5 2022 as is spreads neo-Nazi, racist and white supremacist, homophobic and transphobic ideologies.
Life Institute
Right wing organisation connected to militant anti-choice group Youth Defence.
Ligue du Midi
Ligue du Midi is an indentitarian political organisation working at the regional level and founded in 2011 by Richard Roudier. It defends its regional identity and strongly opposes immigration and Islam.
Livre Noir
Livre Noir is an independant media created by François de Voyer and Erik Tegner (Former Les Républicains member, excluded from the party in 2019). The main topics announced for coverage are immigration, environment, insecurity, society and industry. In practice it
Lo Nuestro
Self-proclaimed far-right group as “patriot” and “social”, with activity in Alicante and Murcia.
Loyalty & Action
Loyalty & Action (LeA) is an organization born in Lombardy, opening the Milan and Monza offices almost at the same time in 2010, as a direct emanation of the Hammerskin environments (American “school” naziskin), then forging ties with various realities
Neo-fascist groupuscule active in Paris.
Lyon Populaire
Local organisation created in September 2019, from the ashes of the Bastion Social. The goals are similar: combining the protection of identity and social justice through providing supplies to French people in need, activism, and joint conferences with the connected
Málaga 1487
Extreme right group of Málaga that honors the year of the expulsion of Muslims from Malaga.
Group active since 2013 in Málaga city, takes its name from the date it the city was taken by the Catholic Monarchs. Since 2017 they have managed the La Jábega Social Center, where they deploy part of their activities as
MesOS Reims
Neo-nazi nationalist hooligan group in Reims.
Premise for activities as well as bar for the identitarian movement in Rouen. Formerly called Yggdrasil, it was renamed after the dissolution of Génération Identitaire. It advertises itself as a “cultural rooted organisation”.
National and Social Front
Národní a sociální fronta –
National Council of European Resistance
The National Council of European Resistance (Conseil national de la résistance européenne) is a pan-European political organisation created jointly by Renaud Camus and Karim Ouchikh in 2017. The official aim is to gather French and European personalities to “defend the
National Movement-Network of Patriots (Movimento Nazionale – Rete dei Patrioti)
After the split in May 2020, about 50% of Forza Nuova members left the far-right party, founding the National Movement-Network of Patriots with a new congress in October 2021. Born from the nucleus of militant communities and satellite associations already
National Youth (Gioventù Nazionale)
National Youth is the official youth movement of the Brothers of Italy, which brings together people aged from 13 to 30. Although recognized by the FdI, National Youth maintains its political and ideological autonomy, as well as its organizational autonomy,
Nemesis is a “feminist” far-right organisation denouncing in reality a migratory “invasion” and opposing Islam, through the defense of and identitarian feminism. It is a typical example of “Femonationalism” theorised by Sarah Farris, namely the instrumentalisation of feminism for racist
Ultra-Catholic association whose ideological bases are its rejection of feminism, historical memory or homosexuality.
Nordic Resistance Movement
Nordic Resistance Movement (Swedish: Nordiska motståndsrörelsen; NMR, Norwegian Bokmål: Nordiske motstandsbevegelsen; NMB and Nynorsk: Nordiske motstandsrørsla; NMR, Finnish: Pohjoismainen Vastarintaliike; PVL, Icelandic: Norræna mótstöðuhreyfingin; NMH, Danish: Den nordiske modstandsbevægelse; NMB, Russian: Северное движение сопротивление) is a swedish official political party
Norwegian Defence League
Norwegian offshoot of the English Defence League and European Defence League promoting islamophobia. After initial leadership conflicts and about a month under the leadership of Lena Andreassen (who was dismissed by EDL liaison Steve Simmons) the NDL has been led
Oeuvre française
Founded in 1968 by Pierre Sidos (1927-2020), a historical far-right figure (OAS, Occident). He presided the organisation until 2012, when Yvan Benedetti took over the leadership. The organisation was dissolved by the French government in 2013, following the death of
Orange Vests
The Orange Vests (Gilet Arancioni) is a political movement founded in 2019 and led by former Carabinieri general Antonio Pappalardo. They got inspired by the French movement of ‘Jilet Jaune’, showing more conservative and nationalist approach. The Orange Vest Movement
Ouest Casual
Ouest Casual is a communication channel mainly active on Telegram (but also present on Facebook), posting and re-posting violent photos, videos and propaganda messages for numerous neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups in Europe and beyond. The channel is reportedly managed,
Paris Nationaliste
Nationalist activist group based in Paris connected to Yvan Benedetti’s party Les Nationalistes.
Patria Albiges
Patria Albiges is an identitarian group in Albi, born from the ashes of Génération Identitaire, dissolved in March 2021. Some of its activists were involved in a violent assault towards two left-wing student unionists in October 2021.
Pitbull Paris
Neo-nazi nationalist hooligan group in Paris.
In February 2020, several far-right organizations met in Zaragoza to prepare a new coordinator of sociocultural entities to act in coordination in the “cultural and metapolitical terrain.” Since April 2020, these groups have disseminated various communications and campaigns, under the
Roman Will (Volontà Romana)
[‘Roman Will](’ is an electoral list between Brothers of Italy and Casapound Italy for the administrative elections in 2021 in Rome. After the electoral failures, the new strategy of the far-right movement for the next municipal elections in Rome is
Schild & Vrienden
Schild en Vrienden (“Shields and Friends”) is a Flemish nationalist youth group created in 2017. It belongs to the Identitarian movement.
Síol na hÉireann
PUBLIC Niall McConnell is leader of Síol na hEireann (‘Seed of Ireland’), an ethnonationalist group founded in 2019. They describe themselves as a[ prolife Christian nationalist movement]( and have staged anti-Islamic stunts across Ireland. Ross Lahive and Andy Heasman (of
Soldiers of Odin / Odinin sotilaat
The Soldiers of Odin is an anti-immigrant group founded in Kemi Finland in 2015. The group has been described as a racist and neo-Nazi group. It’s founder Mika Ranta has connections to the Nordic Resistance Movement and has been convicted
Sovereignty (Sovranità)
Electoral list created by Caspound to partecipate to european elections in 2015. The political project “[Sovereignty]( Italians first “, with which Casa Pound wants to ferry the far right towards Matteo Salvini’s League and the civic list “Toghether with Salvini
Stop Islamisation of Norway / Stop Islamiseringen Av Norge
Anti Muslim group, known for staging protests and burning Qurans. The organizatio was established in 2008, but has roots in a group started in 2000. In mid 2011 it was estimated that the group had close to 3000 members. Their
Strasbourg Offender
Neo-nazi nationalist hooligan group in Strasbourg.
Student Block (Blocco Studentesco)
The Student Block is a student movement that was born in the summer of 2006 in CasaPound, and it’s associated to the fascists’ of the third millennium organization. This students’ organization regain the same style, iconography and propaganda of CPI,
Szturm! “The monthly national radical magazine ‘Szturm’ is the place where a modern nationalist idea is created. This idea is Storm Nationalism.
Tenesoun is a neo-fascist group born in October 2019 in Aix-en-Provence, out of the ashes of Bastion Social dissolved by the French government in April 2019. In April 2022, a new section of the group was created in Orange.
The Burkean
PUBLIC Founded in Trinity College Dublin campus in 2017 by Declan Ganleys son Micheál, the [Burkean]( has struggled to establish any sort of influence on campus, on streets or beyond its online publication whose writers post using pseudonyms. In 2021,
The South Face
Neo-nazi group active in Montpellier and surrounding towns, known for violent actions on “leftist” places, its participation in anti-covid pass/measures demonstrations, and for its porosity with other local far-right groups. As many other similar informal violent groups, it uses the
United Front of University Action
Action University (AU) is an Italian university student association, attributable to the area of far-right. It was born in 1996 as an organization of the university students of Youth Action, a youth movement of the National Alliance. The association has
Valence Patriote
Valence Patriote is a far-right group active in Valence, born out of the ashes of Génération Identitaire, dissolved in March 2021.
Vandal Besak
Neo-nazi group in Besançon.
Veneto Skinhead Front
Veneto Skinheads Front or VFS is a far-right organization, referring to neo-Nazi skinhead movements, born, according to the sources, between 1985 and 1986, on the initiative of Piero Puschiavo and Ilo Da Deppo. Studies carried out by the Stephen Roth
Vent d’Est
Vent d’Est is a neo-fascist group born in Strasbourg in September 2019, out of the ashes of Bastion Social dissolved by the French government in April 2019.
Youth Defence
Militant anti-choice organisation founded in 1986 and connected with the Life Institute.
Zeta Zero Alfa
The Zetazeroalfa are a Roman musical group attributable to the area of neo-fascism. The group was born in 1997 and has several albums and various participations in compilations of the so-called alternative music, a genre strongly characterized by extreme political
Zoulous Nice
Neo-nazi nationalist hooligan group in Nice.