Agenda Europe
See Intolerance Network leak for Agenda Europe data. Abstract of 2018 EPF report “In 2013, 20 US and European campaigners began strategizing ‘achievable goals’ to roll back human rights for sexual and reproductive health in Europe. Documents have recently
**Alternative** is a far-right group that is a relatively independent part of the Azov Movement. The group was founded and headed by **Mikhail Shalankevich** (aka Hans), an immigrant from Russia. Shalankevich was a member of **Restrukt**, one of Russia’s most
Seat: Linz **Short description:** The far right Online-TV „Alternatives Unabhängiges Fernsehen Kanal 1“ (AUF-TV) was launched in May of 2021. Editor in chief is Stefan Magnet, a former leading member of the neonazist „Bunde freier Jugend“ (BfJ). AUF-TV supports the
Azov Movement
The Azov Movement is the largest far-right association in Ukraine. It consists of three main structures: the **Azov Regiment** of the National Guard of Ukraine (the military wing), the **National Corps** party (the political wing) and the **National Vigilantes**, renamed
Azov Regiment
The Azov Regiment (initially Azov Battalion) is a radically politicized unit that is part of the National Guard of Ukraine, subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was created in the spring of 2014 on the basis of the
C14/The Basics of Future
**The Basics of Future (former C14)** is a radical far-right organization based in Kyiv. It was founded in 2009 by members of the Svoboda Party. From the beginning to the present day, the leader of the organization has been **Yevhen
Centuria/National Vigilantes
Centuria (the National Vigilantes) is the paramilitary wing of the Azov Movement. The National Vigilantes were founded in 2017 ostensibly to help the police ensure public order. The video of the presentation by members of the National Vigilantes prompted public
Ethnic National Union
The Ethnic National Union (ENO) is a decentralized, autonomous, political organization of national socialists. Originally an informal association created on the principles of anonymity by a number of former activists of the NSO, former members of the separate special forces
European Center for Law and Justice
The European Center for Law and Justice (ECLJ) is a internation conservative Christian NGO headed by Grégor Puppinck since 2009. Its work his organisation focuses on lobbying to the UN and EU mainly, but also to other national institutions on
**Freikorps** is a Kharkiv-based far-right militarized organization with a cell in Ivano-Frankivsk. The name Freikorps refers to eponymous volunteer squads in Austria and Germany. In the 20th century, this name was adopted by members of far-right paramilitary formations that fought
Freilich (magazine)
‘Freilich’ is a far right magazine in Austria. It startetd December 2018 and is the follower of the magazine „Die Aula“. Editor in chief is Ulrich Novak The Managing Director is Heinrich Sickl The edition at the start was 10,000.
German Volunteer Corps
In February 2023, a “German Volunteer Corps” (“DFK”) was formed in Ukraine with extreme right-wing volunteers fighting on the Ukrainian side. It sees itself in a National Socialist tradition. On June 22, 2023, the following text was posted on Telegram
Greenline Front (GLF)
Greenline Front (GLF) is an international network which originated in Eastern Europe, with chapters in a variety of countries such as Argentina, Belarus, Chile, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Spain and Switzerland. Operating as a loose network, GLF is held
Identitäre Bewegung Österreich
(„Identitarian movement Austria“) **Short description:** The ‘Identitäre Bewegung Österreich’ (IBÖ) was founded in 2012 as imitation of the oroginal from France. There are connections to the ‘Burschenschaften’. In the year 2020 they transformed into the Movement „Die Österreicher“. In Austria,
Info-DIREKT (magazine)
**Seat:** Dieselstraße 4/28, 4030 Linz **Short description:** Info-DIREKT is a monthly far right magazine from Austria. It was founded in 2015 an has a modern desig a coffeetable magazine. Managing Director is Michael Scharfmüller. Other editors are Jan Ackermeier and
Karpatska Sich
**Karpatska Sich** is a regional far-right organization operating in Uzhgorod, Transcarpathian region. It stands against ‘cultural Marxism’, by which the members of Karpatska Sich mostly mean gender politics, multiculturalism, etc. The leader of Karpatska Sich is **Taras Deyak**. The organization
Misanthropic Division
Misanthropic Division is a neo-Nazi movement with a network structure, which exists in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, as well as in a number of Western countries. According to the Investigative Committee of Russia, Misanthropic Division cells appeared in 19 countries,
National and Social Front
Národní a sociální fronta –
National Resistance
The *National Resistance* (NR) — an ultranationalistic movement linked to various attacks on immigrants, Roma people, Turks, LGBT groups and leftists. On June 6, 2010, four left-wing activists were attacked in a tram while on their way to a pro-immigrant
National Resistance
**The National Resistance** (NR) is an Odesa-founded organization with an active activist core in Kyiv. Together with other far-right groups, it is involved in disrupting feminist activities, criticizing ‘cultural Marxism’ and calling for the fight against anti-fascists. At the rallies,
Nordic Resistance Movement
Nordic Resistance Movement (Swedish: Nordiska motståndsrörelsen; NMR, Norwegian Bokmål: Nordiske motstandsbevegelsen; NMB and Nynorsk: Nordiske motstandsrørsla; NMR, Finnish: Pohjoismainen Vastarintaliike; PVL, Icelandic: Norræna mótstöðuhreyfingin; NMH, Danish: Den nordiske modstandsbevægelse; NMB, Russian: Северное движение сопротивление) is a swedish official political party
Norwegian Defence League
Norwegian offshoot of the English Defence League and European Defence League promoting islamophobia. After initial leadership conflicts and about a month under the leadership of Lena Andreassen (who was dismissed by EDL liaison Steve Simmons) the NDL has been led
Phalanx Europa
**Short description:** ‘Phalanx Europa’ is the Label and Brand of the Identitarian Movement in Germany and Austria. **First Source:** – Homepage: (German)
Political Network for Values
It is an ultra-conservative thinking tank that organises international conferences under brandname Transatlantic summit to promote traditional values “Family, Life and Freedoms”. The organisation has been active since at least 2014 in Spanish- and English-speaking countries. Its expert council is
**short description:** QAnon is a kind of online-sect which appears 2017. It is based at mysterious hints in the Internet, given by a person called himself ‘Q’. Till the end of August 2020 “Q” published 3.500 posts. It tells a
Ring Freiheitlicher Jugend Österreich
The far right „Ring Freiheitlicher Jugend Österreich“ (RFJ) ist a youth organisation near to the FPÖ in Austria. The actuall chairman is Maximilian Krauss. The members of the RFJ should be between 10 and 30 years old. Members see themself
Ring Freiheitlicher Studenten
The „Ring Freiheitlicher Studenten“ (RFS) is a far right student organisation near the FPÖ in Austria. They also run for the „Österreichische Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaft“, the parliament of students in Austria. In 2019 the RFS got 1,99% of the votes
Rus Triedinaya
Rus Triedinaya (Russ triedinaya) is a pro-Russian Orthodox imperial organisation formed in Kharkiv in 2004. It publishes a newspaper of the same name. In 2014, its permanent leader Sergey Moiseyev emigrated to Russia. **Self-description** “Since 2005, our organisation in the
Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX)
Extensive research outlining far-right connections of SSPX (work tbc here before launch)
Society of Saint Pius X Resistance
PUBLIC Richard Williamson, former Bishop of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) is known promoting Holocaust denial and extremely anti-Semitic views. He was expelled from SSPX for “[having distanced himself from the management and the government of the SSPX
Stop Islamisation of Norway / Stop Islamiseringen Av Norge
Anti Muslim group, known for staging protests and burning Qurans. The organizatio was established in 2008, but has roots in a group started in 2000. In mid 2011 it was estimated that the group had close to 3000 members. Their
The Order
The Order is a right-wing conservative organization formed around Eduard Yurchenko, former speaker of the National Corps. Its ideology reflects Yurchenko’s own views and refers to the European tradition of the New Right and Alexander Dugin’s Russian Eurasianism (however, Yurchenko
Tradition and Order
**Tradition and Order** is a far-right conservative organization that positions itself as an advocate of Christian values. Tradition and Order was founded in 2016 on the basis of another far-right organization, **Revanche**. Tradition and Order members are responsible for numerous
World Congress of Families
The World Congress of Families is an SPLC designated hate group, “a project of the former Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society (now the International Organization for the Family), serves as an umbrella for a massive network of interconnected