
„Krautzone“ (Magazine)

The Magazine „Krautzone“ calls itself „libertarian-conservative“. It started in autumn 2017 and is published two-monthly. It is also antifeminist and partly monarchist. Editor in chief is Florian Müller and Managing director is Hannes Plenge. There are some connections to the

Academia Christiana Deutschland

Academia Christiana’s sister organisation based in Germany, launched in 2019, yearly organising seminars for a young public.

Almanya Türk Federasyon

(„German Turk Federation“) **Seat:** Frankfurt am Main **Strength:** 7,500 (2011) **Short description:** The ATF is part of the movement of the Turkish fascist Bozkurtlar („Grey Wolfes“), also known as „Ülkücü“ („Idealists“). Since the 1970s the movement is also active in


Seat: Schnellroda The publishing house was founded in 2000 as “Edition Antaios” and is run by the radical new right Götz Kubitschek. The publishing house is presumably named after the magazine Antaios, edited by Ernst Jünger and published from 1959

Artgemeinschaft – Germanische Glaubensgemeinschaft

The “Artgemeinschaft – Germanische Glaubensgemeinschaft” (AG GGG) is a neo-pagan neo-Nazi sect. It was founded in 1951 by Wilhelm Kusserow and Alfred Conn, a former leader of the Hamburg SA. They meet for neo-pagan rituals such as the “Julmondfeier”. Supposedly,

Association of Orthodox Experts

The Association of Orthodox Experts (APE) is an organization of politically active Orthodox laymen led by Orthodox activist Kirill Frolov that persecutes anyone who opposes Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church. The organization has become notorious for filing numerous


Seat: Linz **Short description:** The far right Online-TV „Alternatives Unabhängiges Fernsehen Kanal 1“ (AUF-TV) was launched in May of 2021. Editor in chief is Stefan Magnet, a former leading member of the neonazist „Bunde freier Jugend“ (BfJ). AUF-TV supports the

Avanguardia Ordinovista

Avanguardia Ordinovista is a neo-fascist group inspired by the formation of the terrorist faction ‘New Order’, banned in 1976 for inspiration from the Mussolini’s regime. The group dreamed of a new Italy, cleansed of immigrants and with women at home,

Avrupa Türk Birligi

(„European Turkish Societies“) **Seat:** Köln **Strength:** 1,200 **Short description:** The ATIB is part of the Turkish fascist movement of the Bozkurtlar („Grey Wolfes“), also known as „Ülkücü“ („Idealists“). Since the 1970s the movement is also active in the Turkish community

Avrupa Türk Kültür Dernekleri Birliği

**Seat:** Ludwigshafen am Rhein **Strength:** ??? **Short description:** The ATF is part of the movement of the Turkish fascist Bozkurtlar („Grey Wolfes“), also known as „Ülkücü“ („Idealists“). Since the 1970s the movement is also active in the Turkish community in

Belgrade Nationalist

A new network of far-right organizations that is specific compared to the previous ones. First, it is not tied to the states of the structure, nor is it in favor of Russia. Ukraine has become a new center of gathering

Black hundred

“Black Hundred” is a far-right monarchist book publisher that was founded in 2013 by two students Dmitry Bastrakov and Nikita Lukinsky. Publishers have opened a bookstore “Listva” in St. Petersburg and Moscow. “Black Hundred” is a common name for right-wing

Blood &Honor Serbia

Founded on June 25, 1995. The Serbian branch is an organization that gathers domestic Nazi skinheads and its most significant actions were memorial concerts in honor of the birthdays of Adolf Hitler and other Nazi criminals. In Serbia, there are

Blood&Honour Germany

(„Blood&Honour Germany“) **Short description:** Blood&Honour in Germany was officially forbiden by the state in 2000. But there are still structures of B&H. Blood&Honour Germany and Austria presents themself with Tshirts with „Blood & Honour Central Europe Division“. The organization is


Casaggì is the right-wing student organization set in Florence (Tuscany), that defines itself as “identitarian”. Their social network accounts are a showcase of old right-wing paraphernalia with tens of racist users’ comments, a virtual army of “haters”. Its symbol is


Citadel is a neo-fascist online community runned by rightwing activist and ideologist Gleb Ervier. Citadel produces right-wing video propaganda and distribute through different social media platforms. Citadel Productions shot a far-right documentary named after book by belgian nazi collaborator Leon

Combat 18 Deutschland

Strength: 50 (2020) **Short description:** In Germany there were different groups which used the label C18. They were linked to violence and terrorism. For example in the year 2007 a C18-member shot and wounded a Tunesian man in Dortmund. In


PUBLIC Comhrá ran a series of events in Dublin from 2017 onwards promoting far-right themes but haven’t been very active since 2019 (Twitter account is suspended). US white nationalist, Jared Taylor of American Renaissance spoke at their 7th October 2017

Community of the Twelve Rays

The Community of the Twelve Rays (Do.Ra.) – inspired by the twelve rays of the esoteric ‘nazi black sun’ – was born in February 2012 in Varese, from the union of Ultras “7 Laghi” and Varese Skinheads, two groups connected

COMPACT (magazine)

**Short description:** The far right magazine is published on a monthly basis. It starts 2010. In 2018 it had an edition of 40,000. Editor in chief is Jürgen Elsässer. It also operates a Internet-TV, „Compact TV“ **First Source:** – Homepage:

Conservative Russia

Russia Conservative is a right-wing patriotic conservative community founded on 1 May 2020. There are currently five online groups: Yekaterinburg, Southern Urals, Tver, St. Petersburg, Moscow. Not to be confused with the Conservative Party of Russia, which was deregistered in


Conservator is a small right wing community organised by Valentina Bobrova and her husband Mihail Ochkin on remains of their National Conservative Movement. Valentina Bobrova also organised a Conservator Discussion Club but it was closed by authorities. There is a

Demo für alle

The „Demo für alle“ (DfA, „Rally for all“) is an organisation of the christian right in Germany. They are strongly antifeminist and Anti-Gender. The supporting association of the “Demo für alle” is “Ehe-Familie-Leben e.V.” based in Magdeburg. It was founded


(„Desiderius-Erasmus-Foundation“) **Short description:** The Desiderius Erasmus Stiftung e.V. (DES ; Desiderius Erasmus Foundation) is the party foundation of the AfD was registered in November 2017. **Primary sources:** – Homepage: (German) **Secondary sources:** – Wikipedia: (English)

Deutsche Burschenschaft

(„German Brotherhood“) **strengh:** 7,000 members (2020) in almost 70 fraternities **Short description:** The ‘Deutsche Burschenschaft’ (DB) is an male association of academic fraternities. Originally were the ‘Burschenschaften’ founded in 1817. Their motto is „Ehre – Freiheit – Vaterland“ („Honor –

Deutsche Stimme

Seat: Riesa (Saxony) The “Deutsche Stimme” is a former monthly newspaper which changed since 2020 to the format of a magazine. It is the a publication of the NPD. Editor in chief is Peter Schreiber. It was founded 1976. First

Die Kehre

„Die Kehre“ is a far right Magazine with focus on the topics enviromentalism and ecology. It was founded in May 2020 and was initiated by „Ein Prozent“. Seat is Dresden. The Magazine is associated with the „Oikos Verlag“. Editor in

Double-headed eagle society

Society for the Development of Russian Historical Education “Double-headed eagle society” was set up on 1 November 2015. After the convention in November 2020, the organisation was renamed Tsargrad. The same name is given to the group of companies of

Ein Prozent e.V.

(„One Percent“) **Short description:** ‘Ein Prozent’ is a 2017 founded german fascist network, which supportes the new right activities. **Seat:** Kurt-Beyer-Str. 2, 01237 Dresden **Finances:** – In 2015 the organisation spent 10.000 Euro to the „Identitäre Bewegung in Österreich“. –

Europa Terra Nostra

**Short description:** The Foundation „Europa Terra Nostra“ (ETN) was founded in July 2015 in Berlin. It is the foundation of the „Alliance for Peace and Freedom“ (APF). It had its seat in the headquarter of the NPD in Berlin. ETN

Europäische Solidaritätsfront für Kosovo

**Short description:** Founder and active member of the „European Solidarity Front“ – Section Germany is the Neonazi Maik Müller from Chemnitz, former from Dresden. He was head of the 2007 founded „Aktionsbündnis gegen das Vergessen“, which organised the big fascist


[FEDErAction]( (FEDErAzione) is an identitarian and nationalist voluntary service network with about twenty local realities, attributable to militant communities of the neo-fascist area of ​​the northern but also of southern Italy in the case of spaces, such as the Forum

Freilich (magazine)

‘Freilich’ is a far right magazine in Austria. It startetd December 2018 and is the follower of the magazine „Die Aula“. Editor in chief is Ulrich Novak The Managing Director is Heinrich Sickl The edition at the start was 10,000.


Seat: Hawermannweg 16, 18069 Rostock The „GegenUni UG (haftungsbeschränkt)“ is an online education project of the New Right, which started in 2021. Founder is Erik Ahrens from Frankfurt/Main. The „GegenUni“ cooperated with the „Institut für Staatspolitik“ and can be seen

Gesellschaft für freie Publizistik e.V.

(„society for free Journalism“) **seat:** Klosterhof 4, 37194 Wahlsburg (Germany) **short description:** The GfP is