
Acción Juvenil Valencia

Organization created in June 2020 in Valencia and that is presented on its networks as a «militant, nationalist, sportsman and youth group anti-drug that defends the interests of the Valencian people. Job, struggle and tradition ». In full alarm over

Acción Social

ASTRURIAS. The group defines itself as a social-patriot association, and begins its activity at end of 2015. Since then it has carried out numerous activities in various locations in the region, such as food collections, rallies and demonstrations, campaigns, training

Agenda Europe

See Intolerance Network leak for Agenda Europe data. Abstract of 2018 EPF report “In 2013, 20 US and European campaigners began strategizing ‘achievable goals’ to roll back human rights for sexual and reproductive health in Europe. Documents have recently

Alcalá 1247

Born in early 2018, it defines itself as the Patriot Social Collective of Alcalá de Guadaira (Madrid), with the motto “History-Identity-Tradition-Social Justice”. During the pandemic, he directed his criticism to the management by the Government and they join the campaign

Almería Inconforme

Organization created in 2015, the year in which only its participation in an act of tribute to “the fallen” on the beach of La Garrofa, organized by Falange, and its collaboration with the campaign «Caravana del Sur», a food collection

Asociación Cultural Alfonso I

Association created in 2012 in the city of Cantabria to defend identity, threatened according to they explain on their website, for multiculturalism and globalization. They advocate for suppression of autonomies and the exit of Spain from NATO and the Union

Asociación Cultural In Memoriam Juan Ignacio

Created in September 2011 in memory of Juan Ignacio González Ramírez, leader of the neo-fascist organization Frente de la Juventud, assassinated in 1980. The Youth Front was an organization from Fuerza Nueva that perpetrated numerous violent acts for several years

Asociación de Abogados Cristianos

Association of lawyers created in 2008 dedicated to denouncing before the courts feminist groups or actions that they consider offensive to religious sentiments.

Asociación Rodrigo de Bastidas

SEVILLA. Youth association for the promotion of identity activities, historical, cultural and social, active since October 2017. Rodrigo de Bastidas was a Sevillian conqueror who participated in the voyages of Columbus. His activity to date has consisted of commemorating symbolic


Seat: Linz **Short description:** The far right Online-TV „Alternatives Unabhängiges Fernsehen Kanal 1“ (AUF-TV) was launched in May of 2021. Editor in chief is Stefan Magnet, a former leading member of the neonazist „Bunde freier Jugend“ (BfJ). AUF-TV supports the

Bastión Frontal

Youth collective founded in Madrid. They are defined as: «A movement youth nationalist who arises to confront the decadent economic, political and social situation to which we Spaniards now we face”. They arise in May 2020 and bring together members

Bulgarian National Union

The Bulgarian National Union (officially registered as the Bulgarian National Union – Edelweiss), abbreviated BNS/BNU Edelweiss, is a far-right informal organization in Bulgaria based in Sofia, founded in 2000 by Boyan Rasate, which is considered to be the conceptual successor


The Spanish Circle of Friends of Europe (CEDADE) was a group of national socialist ideology created in Barcelona in 1966 and dissolved in 1993. It constituted an international network for the dissemination of neo-Nazi propaganda. It was related to the


The origin of this association and social center takes place in 2006, when, in his own words: “A group of young people with experience in different patriotic projects understood necessary for Salamanca the creation of a meeting point for the


Foundation created by Hazte Oír in August 2013 to promote international campaigns with ultra-Catholic content.


The Comunidad Política Vértice is an organization that emerged in 2018 and that It was presented in Almería by two Falangist militants: Miguel Ángel Póo and José Julio Cuevas Muela. Both were on the Falange Española de las JONS lists

Devenir Europeo

Association founded in 2007, declared National Socialist, led by neo-Nazi Ramón Bau Fradera, founder and later Secretary General of the neo-Nazi organization CEDADE. Bau is considered one of the ideologues of neo-Nazism in Spain. Devenir Europeo bases its activity on

Ethnic National Union

The Ethnic National Union (ENO) is a decentralized, autonomous, political organization of national socialists. Originally an informal association created on the principles of anonymity by a number of former activists of the NSO, former members of the separate special forces

European Center for Law and Justice

The European Center for Law and Justice (ECLJ) is a internation conservative Christian NGO headed by Grégor Puppinck since 2009. Its work his organisation focuses on lobbying to the UN and EU mainly, but also to other national institutions on

Foro Catalán de la Familia / Catalan Family Forum

[Created in February 2007]( as an entity attached to the Spanish Family Forum. Its objectives include the prohibition of abortion, euthanasia and homosexual marriage.

Fortress Europe

In 2019, on the eve of Adolf Hitler’s birthday in Sofia, *Bulgarian National Union* (BNU) launched a new multinational organisation by the name of *Fortress Europe*. Among the founding members, are the French* Les Nationalistes*, Hungary’s* Légió Hungária*, Czechia’s *Národní

Freilich (magazine)

‘Freilich’ is a far right magazine in Austria. It startetd December 2018 and is the follower of the magazine „Die Aula“. Editor in chief is Ulrich Novak The Managing Director is Heinrich Sickl The edition at the start was 10,000.

Frente Atlético

Ultra fan group of the Club Atlético de Madrid founded in 1982 and which in 2014 had around 4,000 members.

Fundación Francisco Franco

The Francisco Franco National Foundation is a private institution that It was created in 1976 to spread the memory and work of the dictator Francisco Franco. It has legal personality as a cultural association. Its main activity is the management

Génération Identitaire Belgique

Section of Generation Identity in Belgium set up in February 2021.


Founded at the end of 2019, it takes the name of another existing group years ago of the same ideology in the Madrid town. With hardly any activity, its journey begins coinciding with the pandemic and direct their campaigns and

Greenline Front (GLF)

Greenline Front (GLF) is an international network which originated in Eastern Europe, with chapters in a variety of countries such as Argentina, Belarus, Chile, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Spain and Switzerland. Operating as a loose network, GLF is held

Hammerskin Spain

Spanish delegation of the international group Hammerskin, outlawed in 2009.

Hazte Oír

HazteOir is a Spanish far-right, ultra-Catholic and ultra-conservative association founded by Ignacio Arsuaga in February 2001. Since 2013 he has been part of the CitizenGo pressure group, an organization with similar characteristics founded by HazteOir herself.

Hogar Social Madrid

Hogar Social Madrid (HSM) emerged in 2014 with the occupation of a empty property in a migrant and multicultural working-class neighborhood of Madrid. They copy the model of the Italian fascist group CasaPound, born in 2003, which started occupying a

Hundriver RAC Neonazi (rock against communism) band. Latest album has song “Ustali smo” about Croatian fascist – ustaše. 01. Resistance 02. Argus skinheads 03. Nyisd ki rózsám kapudat 04. Erdély földjén 05. Kitartás bajtársak 06. Ustali smo 07. Elhangzott szavak 08.

Identitäre Bewegung Österreich

(„Identitarian movement Austria“) **Short description:** The ‘Identitäre Bewegung Österreich’ (IBÖ) was founded in 2012 as imitation of the oroginal from France. There are connections to the ‘Burschenschaften’. In the year 2020 they transformed into the Movement „Die Österreicher“. In Austria,

Info-DIREKT (magazine)

**Seat:** Dieselstraße 4/28, 4030 Linz **Short description:** Info-DIREKT is a monthly far right magazine from Austria. It was founded in 2015 an has a modern desig a coffeetable magazine. Managing Director is Michael Scharfmüller. Other editors are Jan Ackermeier and

La España en Marcha

La España en Marcha (LEM) was formed in 2013 for the 2014 European elections as a coalition of far-right parties. The coalition won 17000 votes. The stated goal of the coalition is “the recovery of patriotic greatness, opposition to disintegrating

Legio Hungaria

Legion Hungária is a far-right organisation founded in 2018, independent of party politics.

Lo Nuestro

Self-proclaimed far-right group as “patriot” and “social”, with activity in Alicante and Murcia.


Group active since 2013 in Málaga city, takes its name from the date it the city was taken by the Catholic Monarchs. Since 2017 they have managed the La Jábega Social Center, where they deploy part of their activities as

Málaga 1487

Extreme right group of Málaga that honors the year of the expulsion of Muslims from Malaga.


Ultra-Catholic association whose ideological bases are its rejection of feminism, historical memory or homosexuality.

Pedophile Lives Don’t Matter

A relatively new informal group, initiated by Alain Simeonov, 17 years old (presenting himself as ex-)Bulgarian National Union member from Sofia, Bulgaria. Generally speaking, as he puts it, “the people involved in this social movement are wakeful thinkers, mostly young,

Phalanx Europa

**Short description:** ‘Phalanx Europa’ is the Label and Brand of the Identitarian Movement in Germany and Austria. **First Source:** – Homepage: (German)

Political Network for Values

It is an ultra-conservative thinking tank that organises international conferences under brandname Transatlantic summit to promote traditional values “Family, Life and Freedoms”. The organisation has been active since at least 2014 in Spanish- and English-speaking countries. Its expert council is


A small group, mostly acting in obscurity. Aligned with the Nazi ideology. Their first appearance was in 12 October 2015 as organizers of a martial arts festival. Members of the group are frequently seen in photos with Golden Dawn leading


**short description:** QAnon is a kind of online-sect which appears 2017. It is based at mysterious hints in the Internet, given by a person called himself ‘Q’. Till the end of August 2020 “Q” published 3.500 posts. It tells a


In February 2020, several far-right organizations met in Zaragoza to prepare a new coordinator of sociocultural entities to act in coordination in the “cultural and metapolitical terrain.” Since April 2020, these groups have disseminated various communications and campaigns, under the

Ring Freiheitlicher Jugend Österreich

The far right „Ring Freiheitlicher Jugend Österreich“ (RFJ) ist a youth organisation near to the FPÖ in Austria. The actuall chairman is Maximilian Krauss. The members of the RFJ should be between 10 and 30 years old. Members see themself

Ring Freiheitlicher Studenten

The „Ring Freiheitlicher Studenten“ (RFS) is a far right student organisation near the FPÖ in Austria. They also run for the „Österreichische Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaft“, the parliament of students in Austria. In 2019 the RFS got 1,99% of the votes

Sacred Band (Ieros Lochos)

(Greek: Ιερός Λόχος 2012, translated “Sacred Band 2012”, is a smaller nationalist organization, based in Thessaloniki. Founded in 2012, the group attracted publicity when its members attempted to stop the Thessaloniki Pride march in June 2017 and to interrupt a

Schild & Vrienden

Schild en Vrienden (“Shields and Friends”) is a Flemish nationalist youth group created in 2017. It belongs to the Identitarian movement.

Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX)

Extensive research outlining far-right connections of SSPX (work tbc here before launch)

Society of Saint Pius X Resistance

PUBLIC Richard Williamson, former Bishop of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) is known promoting Holocaust denial and extremely anti-Semitic views. He was expelled from SSPX for “[having distanced himself from the management and the government of the SSPX

World Congress of Families

The World Congress of Families is an SPLC designated hate group, “a project of the former Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society (now the International Organization for the Family), serves as an umbrella for a massive network of interconnected

ΑΜΕ / “Combat 18 Hellas”

Same group has been using both names. AME comes from the initials of “Independant Meandrian Nationalists”. Openly Nazi in ideology, they have used the C18 name from time to time since 2015 to 2018, when some members were arrested by