
„Krautzone“ (Magazine)

The Magazine „Krautzone“ calls itself „libertarian-conservative“. It started in autumn 2017 and is published two-monthly. It is also antifeminist and partly monarchist. Editor in chief is Florian Müller and Managing director is Hannes Plenge. There are some connections to the

37 Gang

Far-right Telegram chat and collective of YouTube livestreamers who are hostile to Patriotic Alternative from a British nationalist perspective.

Academia Christiana

“Identitarian and catholic” youth organisation and training institute founded in 2013. They promote rootedness, patriotism, defending a “third way” to live with a community against neoliberalism and marxism. They organise conferences, training weekends and yearly summer camps.

Academia Christiana Deutschland

Academia Christiana’s sister organisation based in Germany, launched in 2019, yearly organising seminars for a young public.

Action Française

The Action française (Centre Royaliste d’Action Française (CRAF)) is a counter-revolutionary nationalist and monarchist organisation founded in 1898 by Charles Maurras, Maurice Pujo and Henri Vaugeois, in the historical context of the Dreyfus affair. It is known for its xenophobia

Alliance for Peace and Freedom

The Alliance for “Peace and Freedom” (APF) is a far-right European political party founded on 4 February 2015. The main member parties had been involved in the now defunct European National Front. The party wishes to establish a network of

Almanya Türk Federasyon

(„German Turk Federation“) **Seat:** Frankfurt am Main **Strength:** 7,500 (2011) **Short description:** The ATF is part of the movement of the Turkish fascist Bozkurtlar („Grey Wolfes“), also known as „Ülkücü“ („Idealists“). Since the 1970s the movement is also active in

Alpha Men Assemble

Anti-lockdown activists with a large group on encrypted messaging app Telegram, which has nearly 7,000 members. They have been holding training sessions, [including boxing drills, at various places in the UK and claim to be planning direct action]( Alpha Men


Alvarium is an identitarian organisation based in Angers, founded in 2017 by Jean-Eudes Gannat. It is dissolved on November 17th 2021 by the French governement for inciting to discrimination and hate on the basis of race, sexuality, gender and religion


Seat: Schnellroda The publishing house was founded in 2000 as “Edition Antaios” and is run by the radical new right Götz Kubitschek. The publishing house is presumably named after the magazine Antaios, edited by Ernst Jünger and published from 1959

Arktos UK

International far-right publisher’s UK division. Traditional Britain Group founder [Gregory Lauder-Frost is the head of Arktos UK]( and has arranged for stalls to be held at a variety of far-right events, such as the now defunct London Forum events.

Artgemeinschaft – Germanische Glaubensgemeinschaft

The “Artgemeinschaft – Germanische Glaubensgemeinschaft” (AG GGG) is a neo-pagan neo-Nazi sect. It was founded in 1951 by Wilhelm Kusserow and Alfred Conn, a former leader of the Hamburg SA. They meet for neo-pagan rituals such as the “Julmondfeier”. Supposedly,

Auctorum Social

“Social” organisation founded in October 2019 under the banner of “Identity, Community, Social Justice” in Versailles. Similar to Bastion Social (dissolved in April 2019) and Génération Identitaire (dissolved in March 2021), it aims at distributing supplies to French people in

Audace Lyon

Created in September 2019 from the ashes of Bastion Social. It has similar goals and similar people involved: protecting identity and conducting “social” activities for French people only.


Seat: Linz **Short description:** The far right Online-TV „Alternatives Unabhängiges Fernsehen Kanal 1“ (AUF-TV) was launched in May of 2021. Editor in chief is Stefan Magnet, a former leading member of the neonazist „Bunde freier Jugend“ (BfJ). AUF-TV supports the

Avant Guarde

L’Avant Guarde is a organisation/movement that aims to create and sustain political engagement at the local level through an active network. It was created in 2015 by Charles Millon (president), Charles Beigbeder and Julie Graziani. The motivating values are the

Avrupa Türk Birligi

(„European Turkish Societies“) **Seat:** Köln **Strength:** 1,200 **Short description:** The ATIB is part of the Turkish fascist movement of the Bozkurtlar („Grey Wolfes“), also known as „Ülkücü“ („Idealists“). Since the 1970s the movement is also active in the Turkish community

Avrupa Türk Kültür Dernekleri Birliği

**Seat:** Ludwigshafen am Rhein **Strength:** ??? **Short description:** The ATF is part of the movement of the Turkish fascist Bozkurtlar („Grey Wolfes“), also known as „Ülkücü“ („Idealists“). Since the 1970s the movement is also active in the Turkish community in

Bastion Social

Neo-fascist organisation born from the ashes of the Groupe Union Défencse (GUD) in 2017 in Lyon, and inspired by the Italian neo-fascist movement Casa Pound. It opened local sections in Lyon (Lugdunum – Bastion Social) and inspired local sections in

Blood & Honour Schweiz / Combat 18 Schweiz

**Strength:** 150-200 (2007) **Short desciption:** The chapter Switzerland of Blood & Honour is part of the international network. The Swiss chapter was founded 1997/98 in the german speaking part and 2003 in the french speaking part of the country („Romandie“).

Blood & Honour UK

The Blood & Honour network continues to exist although it has not organised many shows in 2020. The network organises most of the Nazi punk shows in the UK but not all. The [annual Ian Stuart Donaldson (ISD) show]( did

Blood&Honour Germany

(„Blood&Honour Germany“) **Short description:** Blood&Honour in Germany was officially forbiden by the state in 2000. But there are still structures of B&H. Blood&Honour Germany and Austria presents themself with Tshirts with „Blood & Honour Central Europe Division“. The organization is

Bordeaux Nationaliste

Activist group in Bordeaux close to Yvan Benedetti’s party Les Nationalistes.

British Movement

The British Movement (BM) organise an annual whites-only camping trip they describe as the ‘Sunwheel Festival’, this does not appear to have happened in 2020. BM had an influx of members from National Action prior to their ban and have

Carrefour de l’Horloge

Carrefour de l’Horloge (known as Club de l’Horloge until 2015) is a national-liberal think tank founded in 1974 by Jean-Paul Antoine, Yvan Blot, Jean-Yves Le Gallou, Henry de Lesquen, Didier Maupas and Bernard Mazin. It is presided by Henry de

Chelsea Headhunters

Chelsea’s neo-Nazi hooligan gang are still active and have attended several far-right protests over the past six years. Notably being involved in heavy [clashes with anti-fascists in a coach station in Maidstone, Kent in 2016]( and [attacking a pub where

Combat 18

Defunct neo-Nazi terrorist group which was started by the British National Party (BNP) to act as its security wing. The ’18’ is a numeric code for ‘Adolf Hitler’. Combat 18 (C18) no longer exists, in the UK, in any meaningful

Combat 18 Deutschland

Strength: 50 (2020) **Short description:** In Germany there were different groups which used the label C18. They were linked to violence and terrorism. For example in the year 2007 a C18-member shot and wounded a Tunesian man in Dortmund. In


PUBLIC Comhrá ran a series of events in Dublin from 2017 onwards promoting far-right themes but haven’t been very active since 2019 (Twitter account is suspended). US white nationalist, Jared Taylor of American Renaissance spoke at their 7th October 2017

Comité de liason et d’aide nationaliste

CLAN is an organisation created in 2012 to support nationalist activists in France and Europe who get arrested by the Police. They aim to provide moral, financial and legal support to the targeted activists and their families.

COMPACT (magazine)

**Short description:** The far right magazine is published on a monthly basis. It starts 2010. In 2018 it had an edition of 40,000. Editor in chief is Jürgen Elsässer. It also operates a Internet-TV, „Compact TV“ **First Source:** – Homepage:

Demo für alle

The „Demo für alle“ (DfA, „Rally for all“) is an organisation of the christian right in Germany. They are strongly antifeminist and Anti-Gender. The supporting association of the “Demo für alle” is “Ehe-Familie-Leben e.V.” based in Magdeburg. It was founded

Democratic Football Lads Alliance

[The DFLA has never really recovered from it’s October 2018 defeat on the streets]( of London when a large coalition of anti-fascists blocked the route of it’s march and the DFLA’s attempt to attack this coalition was violently rebuffed by

Des Tours et des Lys

Local neofascist group active in Tours. Similar to other local groups such as Auctorum in Versailles, Lyon Populaire, Alvarium in Angers, their activities revolve around the promotion of identitarian slogans, physical training, “social” help and building and defending the “community”.


(„Desiderius-Erasmus-Foundation“) **Short description:** The Desiderius Erasmus Stiftung e.V. (DES ; Desiderius Erasmus Foundation) is the party foundation of the AfD was registered in November 2017. **Primary sources:** – Homepage: (German) **Secondary sources:** – Wikipedia: (English)

Deutsche Burschenschaft

(„German Brotherhood“) **strengh:** 7,000 members (2020) in almost 70 fraternities **Short description:** The ‘Deutsche Burschenschaft’ (DB) is an male association of academic fraternities. Originally were the ‘Burschenschaften’ founded in 1817. Their motto is „Ehre – Freiheit – Vaterland“ („Honor –

Deutsche Stimme

Seat: Riesa (Saxony) The “Deutsche Stimme” is a former monthly newspaper which changed since 2020 to the format of a magazine. It is the a publication of the NPD. Editor in chief is Peter Schreiber. It was founded 1976. First

Die Kehre

„Die Kehre“ is a far right Magazine with focus on the topics enviromentalism and ecology. It was founded in May 2020 and was initiated by „Ein Prozent“. Seat is Dresden. The Magazine is associated with the „Oikos Verlag“. Editor in

Égalité et Réconciliation

Organisation created in 2007 and former Groupe Union Défense (GUD) members. It revolves around Alain Soral, still its president, and promotes an ideology based on national-socialism, antisemitism, and is known for spreading conspiracy theories (fed by the COVID-19 pandemic).