„Krautzone“ (Magazine)
The Magazine „Krautzone“ calls itself „libertarian-conservative“. It started in autumn 2017 and is published two-monthly. It is also antifeminist and partly monarchist. Editor in chief is Florian Müller and Managing director is Hannes Plenge. There are some connections to the
Academia Christiana Deutschland
Academia Christiana’s sister organisation based in Germany, launched in 2019, yearly organising seminars for a young public.
Agenda Europe
See Intolerance Network leak for Agenda Europe data. Abstract of 2018 EPF report “In 2013, 20 US and European campaigners began strategizing ‘achievable goals’ to roll back human rights for sexual and reproductive health in Europe. Documents have recently
Alliance for Peace and Freedom
The Alliance for “Peace and Freedom” (APF) is a far-right European political party founded on 4 February 2015. The main member parties had been involved in the now defunct European National Front. The party wishes to establish a network of
Almanya Türk Federasyon
(„German Turk Federation“) **Seat:** Frankfurt am Main **Strength:** 7,500 (2011) **Short description:** The ATF is part of the movement of the Turkish fascist Bozkurtlar („Grey Wolfes“), also known as „Ülkücü“ („Idealists“). Since the 1970s the movement is also active in
Seat: Schnellroda The publishing house was founded in 2000 as “Edition Antaios” and is run by the radical new right Götz Kubitschek. The publishing house is presumably named after the magazine Antaios, edited by Ernst Jünger and published from 1959
Anti Corruption Ireland
Artgemeinschaft – Germanische Glaubensgemeinschaft
The “Artgemeinschaft – Germanische Glaubensgemeinschaft” (AG GGG) is a neo-pagan neo-Nazi sect. It was founded in 1951 by Wilhelm Kusserow and Alfred Conn, a former leader of the Hamburg SA. They meet for neo-pagan rituals such as the “Julmondfeier”. Supposedly,
Seat: Linz **Short description:** The far right Online-TV „Alternatives Unabhängiges Fernsehen Kanal 1“ (AUF-TV) was launched in May of 2021. Editor in chief is Stefan Magnet, a former leading member of the neonazist „Bunde freier Jugend“ (BfJ). AUF-TV supports the
Avanguardia Ordinovista
Avanguardia Ordinovista is a neo-fascist group inspired by the formation of the terrorist faction ‘New Order’, banned in 1976 for inspiration from the Mussolini’s regime. The group dreamed of a new Italy, cleansed of immigrants and with women at home,
Avrupa Türk Birligi
(„European Turkish Societies“) **Seat:** Köln **Strength:** 1,200 **Short description:** The ATIB is part of the Turkish fascist movement of the Bozkurtlar („Grey Wolfes“), also known as „Ülkücü“ („Idealists“). Since the 1970s the movement is also active in the Turkish community
Avrupa Türk Kültür Dernekleri Birliği
**Seat:** Ludwigshafen am Rhein **Strength:** ??? **Short description:** The ATF is part of the movement of the Turkish fascist Bozkurtlar („Grey Wolfes“), also known as „Ülkücü“ („Idealists“). Since the 1970s the movement is also active in the Turkish community in
Blood&Honour Germany
(„Blood&Honour Germany“) **Short description:** Blood&Honour in Germany was officially forbiden by the state in 2000. But there are still structures of B&H. Blood&Honour Germany and Austria presents themself with Tshirts with „Blood & Honour Central Europe Division“. The organization is
Bulgarian National Union
The Bulgarian National Union (officially registered as the Bulgarian National Union – Edelweiss), abbreviated BNS/BNU Edelweiss, is a far-right informal organization in Bulgaria based in Sofia, founded in 2000 by Boyan Rasate, which is considered to be the conceptual successor
Casaggì is the right-wing student organization set in Florence (Tuscany), that defines itself as “identitarian”. Their social network accounts are a showcase of old right-wing paraphernalia with tens of racist users’ comments, a virtual army of “haters”. Its symbol is
Combat 18 Deutschland
Strength: 50 (2020) **Short description:** In Germany there were different groups which used the label C18. They were linked to violence and terrorism. For example in the year 2007 a C18-member shot and wounded a Tunesian man in Dortmund. In
PUBLIC Comhrá ran a series of events in Dublin from 2017 onwards promoting far-right themes but haven’t been very active since 2019 (Twitter account is suspended). US white nationalist, Jared Taylor of American Renaissance spoke at their 7th October 2017
Community of the Twelve Rays
The Community of the Twelve Rays (Do.Ra.) – inspired by the twelve rays of the esoteric ‘nazi black sun’ – was born in February 2012 in Varese, from the union of Ultras “7 Laghi” and Varese Skinheads, two groups connected
COMPACT (magazine)
**Short description:** The far right magazine is published on a monthly basis. It starts 2010. In 2018 it had an edition of 40,000. Editor in chief is Jürgen Elsässer. It also operates a Internet-TV, „Compact TV“ **First Source:** – Homepage:
Demo für alle
The „Demo für alle“ (DfA, „Rally for all“) is an organisation of the christian right in Germany. They are strongly antifeminist and Anti-Gender. The supporting association of the “Demo für alle” is “Ehe-Familie-Leben e.V.” based in Magdeburg. It was founded
(„Desiderius-Erasmus-Foundation“) **Short description:** The Desiderius Erasmus Stiftung e.V. (DES ; Desiderius Erasmus Foundation) is the party foundation of the AfD was registered in November 2017. **Primary sources:** – Homepage: (German) **Secondary sources:** – Wikipedia: (English)
Deutsche Burschenschaft
(„German Brotherhood“) **strengh:** 7,000 members (2020) in almost 70 fraternities **Short description:** The ‘Deutsche Burschenschaft’ (DB) is an male association of academic fraternities. Originally were the ‘Burschenschaften’ founded in 1817. Their motto is „Ehre – Freiheit – Vaterland“ („Honor –
Deutsche Stimme
Seat: Riesa (Saxony) The “Deutsche Stimme” is a former monthly newspaper which changed since 2020 to the format of a magazine. It is the a publication of the NPD. Editor in chief is Peter Schreiber. It was founded 1976. First
Die Kehre
„Die Kehre“ is a far right Magazine with focus on the topics enviromentalism and ecology. It was founded in May 2020 and was initiated by „Ein Prozent“. Seat is Dresden. The Magazine is associated with the „Oikos Verlag“. Editor in
Ein Prozent e.V.
(„One Percent“) **Short description:** ‘Ein Prozent’ is a 2017 founded german fascist network, which supportes the new right activities. **Seat:** Kurt-Beyer-Str. 2, 01237 Dresden **Finances:** – In 2015 the organisation spent 10.000 Euro to the „Identitäre Bewegung in Österreich“. –
Ethnic National Union
The Ethnic National Union (ENO) is a decentralized, autonomous, political organization of national socialists. Originally an informal association created on the principles of anonymity by a number of former activists of the NSO, former members of the separate special forces
Europa Terra Nostra
**Short description:** The Foundation „Europa Terra Nostra“ (ETN) was founded in July 2015 in Berlin. It is the foundation of the „Alliance for Peace and Freedom“ (APF). It had its seat in the headquarter of the NPD in Berlin. ETN
Europäische Solidaritätsfront für Kosovo
**Short description:** Founder and active member of the „European Solidarity Front“ – Section Germany is the Neonazi Maik Müller from Chemnitz, former from Dresden. He was head of the 2007 founded „Aktionsbündnis gegen das Vergessen“, which organised the big fascist
European Center for Law and Justice
The European Center for Law and Justice (ECLJ) is a internation conservative Christian NGO headed by Grégor Puppinck since 2009. Its work his organisation focuses on lobbying to the UN and EU mainly, but also to other national institutions on
[FEDErAction]( (FEDErAzione) is an identitarian and nationalist voluntary service network with about twenty local realities, attributable to militant communities of the neo-fascist area of the northern but also of southern Italy in the case of spaces, such as the Forum
Fortress Europe
In 2019, on the eve of Adolf Hitler’s birthday in Sofia, *Bulgarian National Union* (BNU) launched a new multinational organisation by the name of *Fortress Europe*. Among the founding members, are the French* Les Nationalistes*, Hungary’s* Légió Hungária*, Czechia’s *Národní
Freilich (magazine)
‘Freilich’ is a far right magazine in Austria. It startetd December 2018 and is the follower of the magazine „Die Aula“. Editor in chief is Ulrich Novak The Managing Director is Heinrich Sickl The edition at the start was 10,000.
Seat: Hawermannweg 16, 18069 Rostock The „GegenUni UG (haftungsbeschränkt)“ is an online education project of the New Right, which started in 2021. Founder is Erik Ahrens from Frankfurt/Main. The „GegenUni“ cooperated with the „Institut für Staatspolitik“ and can be seen
Génération Identitaire Belgique
Section of Generation Identity in Belgium set up in February 2021.
Gesellschaft für freie Publizistik e.V.
(„society for free Journalism“) **seat:** Klosterhof 4, 37194 Wahlsburg (Germany) **short description:** The GfP is a German an Austrian association of far right publishers an authors. Chairman is Martin Pfeiffer from Austria. **First source:** – Homepage:
Greenline Front (GLF)
Greenline Front (GLF) is an international network which originated in Eastern Europe, with chapters in a variety of countries such as Argentina, Belarus, Chile, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Spain and Switzerland. Operating as a loose network, GLF is held
GRIPT media
Gript media is a website with a national to international focus that has been described as [right wing](, [alt right]( and far right (MeNeely, Gary. “Mum’s fears over anti-abortion vid; Far-right propaganda bid,” The Sun UK. October 18, 2019. Accessed
Hammerskins Deutschland
(„Hammerskins Germany“) **strength:** 150 members (2018) **Short description:** The Hammerskins are active in Germany since 1992. There are conflicts with Blood&Honour because of the RAC-Music-Businesss. Intern meetings in Europa called „European Officers Meeting“ (EOM) and in one country „National Officers
Hooligans gegen Salafismus
(„Hooligans against Salafism“) **Short Description:** HoGeSa is a street movement, consistend of different right wing Hooligan-Groups. **Secondary sources:** – Wikipedia: (English)
Identitäre Bewegung Deutschland
(„Identitarian movement Germany“) **strength:** 600 members (2019) **Short description:** The “Identitarian Movement Germany” is an offshoot or imitation of the Identitarians from France. Here, the original, the “Bloc identitaire,” was founded in 2002/03. Overall, the IBD can be assigned to
Identitäre Bewegung Österreich
(„Identitarian movement Austria“) **Short description:** The ‘Identitäre Bewegung Österreich’ (IBÖ) was founded in 2012 as imitation of the oroginal from France. There are connections to the ‘Burschenschaften’. In the year 2020 they transformed into the Movement „Die Österreicher“. In Austria,
Info-DIREKT (magazine)
**Seat:** Dieselstraße 4/28, 4030 Linz **Short description:** Info-DIREKT is a monthly far right magazine from Austria. It was founded in 2015 an has a modern desig a coffeetable magazine. Managing Director is Michael Scharfmüller. Other editors are Jan Ackermeier and
Institut für Staatspolitik
**Short description:** Thinktank of the New Right in Germany. **Secondary sources:** – Wikipedia:ür_Staatspolitik (Deutsch)
Iona Institute
PUBLIC The [Iona Institute]( was founded by David Quinn in 2007 and is registered in Ireland as a charity. The Iona Institute campaigns against [social]( and [reproductive]( rights. The Iona Institute is [reported]( to be in receipt of funding from
Irish Society for Christian Civilisation
PUBLIC Irish Society of Christian Civilisation (ISFCC) is the [Irish branch]( of the [International right wing religious movement, Tradition, Family, Property]( founded by Brazilian landowner and politician[ Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira]( Oliveira is known for anti-Semitic views [referring]( to Jewish
Irish Society for Saint Pius X Resistance
PUBLIC The Irish Society of Saint Pius X Resistance is an anti-Semitic religious cult based in Roscarberry, West Cork. Father Giacomo Ballini who [purchased]( the Roscarberry property in 2016 led an exorcism in December 2020 in response to pandemic restrictions
Junge Alternative
Strength: 1,700 (June 2019) Short description The „Junge Alternative für Deutschland“ (JA) is the Youth Organisation of the AfD. It was founded in 15 June 2013. The JA is more radical far right than the AfD and some of its
Junge Freiheit
Seat: Berlin **short description** The „Junge Freiheit“ (JF) is a weekly newspaper of the New Right, which was founded in 1986. Experts says that the newspaper is i a greyzone between conservatism and far right. The newspaper sympathizes with the
The „Jungeuropa Verlag“ is a small far right publishing house with seat in Dresden. Editor is Philip Stein, which is also active in „Ein Prozent“ and member of the Burschenschaft Germania in Marburg, which is part of the „Deutsche Burschenschaft“.
Kastus Kalinovsky Battalion
Konstanty (Kastus) Kalinovsky was one of the leaders of the Polish, Lithuanian, and Belarusian national revival in the second half of the 19th century. Kalinovsky is especially revered in Belarus where he is seen as an icon of Belarusian nationalism
Life Institute
Right wing organisation connected to militant anti-choice group Youth Defence.
Loyalty & Action
Loyalty & Action (LeA) is an organization born in Lombardy, opening the Milan and Monza offices almost at the same time in 2010, as a direct emanation of the Hammerskin environments (American “school” naziskin), then forging ties with various realities
N.S. Heute
“N.S. Heute” stands for the abbreviation “National Socialism Today” and is a bi-monthly neo-Nazi magazine published since 2017. It is aimed at young readers in the form of a lifestyle magazine. The first print run in 2017 was 1,500 copies.
National Movement-Network of Patriots (Movimento Nazionale – Rete dei Patrioti)
After the split in May 2020, about 50% of Forza Nuova members left the far-right party, founding the National Movement-Network of Patriots with a new congress in October 2021. Born from the nucleus of militant communities and satellite associations already
National Youth (Gioventù Nazionale)
National Youth is the official youth movement of the Brothers of Italy, which brings together people aged from 13 to 30. Although recognized by the FdI, National Youth maintains its political and ideological autonomy, as well as its organizational autonomy,
Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund
The „Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund“ (NSU, German: „Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund“) was a neonazist terrorist group which existed from 1998 to 2011. It was a network with three members living in the underground: * Uwe Bönhardt (1977-2011) * Uwe Mundlos (1973-2011) * Beate Zschäpe
Nordic Resistance Movement
Nordic Resistance Movement (Swedish: Nordiska motståndsrörelsen; NMR, Norwegian Bokmål: Nordiske motstandsbevegelsen; NMB and Nynorsk: Nordiske motstandsrørsla; NMR, Finnish: Pohjoismainen Vastarintaliike; PVL, Icelandic: Norræna mótstöðuhreyfingin; NMH, Danish: Den nordiske modstandsbevægelse; NMB, Russian: Северное движение сопротивление) is a swedish official political party
Orange Vests
The Orange Vests (Gilet Arancioni) is a political movement founded in 2019 and led by former Carabinieri general Antonio Pappalardo. They got inspired by the French movement of ‘Jilet Jaune’, showing more conservative and nationalist approach. The Orange Vest Movement
Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes
(„Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamicisation of the Occident“) **short description:** PEGIDA was founded in 11th October 2014 in Dresden. PEGIDA is a registered voluntary association, which organised rallys in Dresden till today on a two-weekly-basis. Chairman is Lutz Bachmann, who
Pedophile Lives Don’t Matter
A relatively new informal group, initiated by Alain Simeonov, 17 years old (presenting himself as ex-)Bulgarian National Union member from Sofia, Bulgaria. Generally speaking, as he puts it, “the people involved in this social movement are wakeful thinkers, mostly young,
Phalanx Europa
**Short description:** ‘Phalanx Europa’ is the Label and Brand of the Identitarian Movement in Germany and Austria. **First Source:** – Homepage: (German)
Political Network for Values
It is an ultra-conservative thinking tank that organises international conferences under brandname Transatlantic summit to promote traditional values “Family, Life and Freedoms”. The organisation has been active since at least 2014 in Spanish- and English-speaking countries. Its expert council is
Politically Incorrect News
**Short description** “Politically Incorrect News” is a German-language extreme right news portal founded in November 2004 by the sports teacher Stefan Herre. In May 2020, PI described itself as “Germany’s most widely read patriotic blog”. In terms of content, PI
A small group, mostly acting in obscurity. Aligned with the Nazi ideology. Their first appearance was in 12 October 2015 as organizers of a martial arts festival. Members of the group are frequently seen in photos with Golden Dawn leading
**short description:** QAnon is a kind of online-sect which appears 2017. It is based at mysterious hints in the Internet, given by a person called himself ‘Q’. Till the end of August 2020 “Q” published 3.500 posts. It tells a
QAnon in Germany
**short description:** QAnon is a kind of online-sect which appears 2017. It is based at mysterious hints in the Internet, given by a person called himself ‘Q’. It tells a story that the liberal elites kidnapped children and prisoned them
**short description:** Querdenken is one of the important Label of the covid-sceptic-movement in Germany. This movement is conspiracist and open for the joining of the far right. The Label ‘Querdenken’ was founded by Michael Ballweg from Stuttgart in April 2020.
**short description:** ‘Reichsbürger’ believe that the ‘Deutsches Reich’ (German Empire) is still the legal status of the actual Germany. In their opinion the elected government is illegal an often they also do not accept the actual borders to Poland, Denmark
Ring Freiheitlicher Jugend Österreich
The far right „Ring Freiheitlicher Jugend Österreich“ (RFJ) ist a youth organisation near to the FPÖ in Austria. The actuall chairman is Maximilian Krauss. The members of the RFJ should be between 10 and 30 years old. Members see themself
Ring Freiheitlicher Studenten
The „Ring Freiheitlicher Studenten“ (RFS) is a far right student organisation near the FPÖ in Austria. They also run for the „Österreichische Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaft“, the parliament of students in Austria. In 2019 the RFS got 1,99% of the votes
Roman Will (Volontà Romana)
[‘Roman Will](’ is an electoral list between Brothers of Italy and Casapound Italy for the administrative elections in 2021 in Rome. After the electoral failures, the new strategy of the far-right movement for the next municipal elections in Rome is
Sacred Band (Ieros Lochos)
(Greek: Ιερός Λόχος 2012, translated “Sacred Band 2012”, is a smaller nationalist organization, based in Thessaloniki. Founded in 2012, the group attracted publicity when its members attempted to stop the Thessaloniki Pride march in June 2017 and to interrupt a
Schild & Vrienden
Schild en Vrienden (“Shields and Friends”) is a Flemish nationalist youth group created in 2017. It belongs to the Identitarian movement.
The magazine “Sezession” is a publication of the radical new right, which belongs to the think tank “Institut für Staatspolitik” around Götz Kubitschek and Erik Lehnert. It is published bimonthly. The first issue appeared in April 2003 and the print
Síol na hÉireann
PUBLIC Niall McConnell is leader of Síol na hEireann (‘Seed of Ireland’), an ethnonationalist group founded in 2019. They describe themselves as a[ prolife Christian nationalist movement]( and have staged anti-Islamic stunts across Ireland. Ross Lahive and Andy Heasman (of
Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX)
Extensive research outlining far-right connections of SSPX (work tbc here before launch)
Society of Saint Pius X Resistance
PUBLIC Richard Williamson, former Bishop of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) is known promoting Holocaust denial and extremely anti-Semitic views. He was expelled from SSPX for “[having distanced himself from the management and the government of the SSPX
Soldiers of Odin / Odinin sotilaat
The Soldiers of Odin is an anti-immigrant group founded in Kemi Finland in 2015. The group has been described as a racist and neo-Nazi group. It’s founder Mika Ranta has connections to the Nordic Resistance Movement and has been convicted
Sovereignty (Sovranità)
Electoral list created by Caspound to partecipate to european elections in 2015. The political project “[Sovereignty]( Italians first “, with which Casa Pound wants to ferry the far right towards Matteo Salvini’s League and the civic list “Toghether with Salvini
Student Block (Blocco Studentesco)
The Student Block is a student movement that was born in the summer of 2006 in CasaPound, and it’s associated to the fascists’ of the third millennium organization. This students’ organization regain the same style, iconography and propaganda of CPI,
The Burkean
PUBLIC Founded in Trinity College Dublin campus in 2017 by Declan Ganleys son Micheál, the [Burkean]( has struggled to establish any sort of influence on campus, on streets or beyond its online publication whose writers post using pseudonyms. In 2021,
United Front of University Action
Action University (AU) is an Italian university student association, attributable to the area of far-right. It was born in 1996 as an organization of the university students of Youth Action, a youth movement of the National Alliance. The association has
Veneto Skinhead Front
Veneto Skinheads Front or VFS is a far-right organization, referring to neo-Nazi skinhead movements, born, according to the sources, between 1985 and 1986, on the initiative of Piero Puschiavo and Ilo Da Deppo. Studies carried out by the Stephen Roth
Verein Gedächtnisstätte
The “Verein Gedächtnisstätte e.V.” is a historical revisionist association founded in May 1992 by Holocaust deniers and Old Nazis. Until 2010, it was based in Borna (Saxony) and later in Guthmannshausen (Thuringia). Here, the association set up an extreme right-wing
World Congress of Families
The World Congress of Families is an SPLC designated hate group, “a project of the former Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society (now the International Organization for the Family), serves as an umbrella for a massive network of interconnected
Youth Defence
Militant anti-choice organisation founded in 1986 and connected with the Life Institute.
Zentrum Automobil
The „Zentrum Automobil“ is a far right Pseudo-trade union, which was founded 2009 in Stuttgart. One of the founders is Oliver Hilburger. From 1991 till 2008 he was member of the RAC-Band „Noie Werte“. They work together with the fascist
Zeta Zero Alfa
The Zetazeroalfa are a Roman musical group attributable to the area of neo-fascism. The group was born in 1997 and has several albums and various participations in compilations of the so-called alternative music, a genre strongly characterized by extreme political
**Short description:** ‘Zuerst!’ is a monthly puplished far right magazine. It was first published in 2010. Editor in chief ist Andreas Karsten. Before it was Manuel Ochsenreiter. **Primary sources:** – Homepage: (German) **Secondary sources:** – Wikipedia:! (English)
ΑΜΕ / “Combat 18 Hellas”
Same group has been using both names. AME comes from the initials of “Independant Meandrian Nationalists”. Openly Nazi in ideology, they have used the C18 name from time to time since 2015 to 2018, when some members were arrested by