Greece is a parliamentary republic. Since July 2019, the majority government of the New Democracy (Néa Dhimokratía – right-wing) party has been in power. While the economic crisis of 2008-2015 was declared over, high unemployment and stagnated wages remain a problem, magnified by the recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The country maintains positive relations with its neighboring countries in the North. Unresolved disputes with Turkey over exclusive economic zones (EEZ), territorial waters, and other issues have created renewed tensions in recent years. Greece maintains a “special relationship” with the Republic of Cyprus.
Current Situation
Greece is a parliamentary republic. Since July 2019, the majority government of the New Democracy (Néa Dhimokratía – right-wing) party has been in power. While the economic crisis of 2008-2015 was declared over, high unemployment and stagnated wages remain a problem, magnified by the recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The country maintains positive relations with its neighboring countries in the North. Unresolved disputes with Turkey over exclusive economic zones (EEZ), territorial waters, and other issues have created renewed tensions in recent years. Greece maintains a “special relationship” with the Republic of Cyprus.
Human rights have not improved in the country over the past few years. Greece is facing numerous reports from international bodies and organizations, as well as mounting evidence that there’s a central, state-sponsored policy of pushbacks against asylum seekers and migrants both on the land border of Evros and in the Aegean Sea. Meanwhile, the government has passed a new law on citizenship, making prerequisites for applications stricter than before.
Status of the far right in the country
After the double parliamentary elections of 2023, it is the first time in Greek political history that the far-right is participating in the Greek Parliament with three parties (Hellenic Solution, Niki, Spartans), an independent MP who supports most of the government initiatives (the lawyer Charalambos Katsivardas, a former Spartan representative and a man under the influence of Ilias Kasidiaris), and a strong parliamentary presence within ND (Makis Voridis and Antonis Samaras are the most prominent leaders of this faction). To this dynamic, we must add far right-wing factions (the Popular Orthodox Synagogue, the National Front), neo-Nazi groups (the weakened Golden Dawn, Pro Patria, “Sacred Band”/Ieros Lochos in Northern Greece and the ‘autonomous’ Nationalist Youth of Thessaloniki), the newspapers and independent politicians of the extra-parliamentary far-right (former LAOS MEP Konstantinos Aivaliotis, the expelled from the South-Western Democratic Party Faelos Kranidiotis, etc. In the upcoming European elections, polls agree that the fragmented far-right will register a share of over 16%: Kyriakos Velopoulos’ Hellenic Solution will emerge as the leading force in the field, with a share of perhaps more than 10%, Niki will get close to 4%, while the Spartans, who in 2023 had the support of the incarcerated Ilias Kasidiaris, will probably fail to elect an MEP (polls put them at around 2.5%). Finally, the dynamics of newly emerging parties are still emerging: the Conservatives (led by the influencer Terry Hadjiremias, a man with a close connection to Ilias Kasidiaris’ party “Greeks”), the Voice of Logic (led by the Northern Greek anti-feminist influencer Afroditi Latinopoulou), etc.
After the failure of Golden Dawn to enter parliament and facing the end of the trial, two split parties formed by the two most prominent members of the neo-Nazi party: “National Popular Consciousness” (“ELASYN”) by Ioannis Lagos (MEP with Golden Dawn, later independent) and Ilias Kasidiaris, previously spokesperson of the Golden Dawn. Organized far-right violence has receded significantly since the apparent decline of the Golden Dawn. But incidents of racist violence remain present, with some limited resurgence in violence from groups seen in 2021. New groups such as “Trustees of Article 120 of the Constitution” have emerged, acting publicly as a militia. In contrast, existing groups (“Sacred Band” and “Propatria”) seem to be moving in to fill the gap left by dissolved local chapters of Golden Dawn. Attacks from the far-right are primarily directed at those considered by the far-right as “enemies from within,” such as leftists, communists, anarchists, and other antifascists, including centrists. Violence against refugees and migrants also occurs, sometimes organized. Acts of vandalism and desecration of Jewish cemeteries have also been recorded several times since 2017.
Status of antifascists in the country
In general, the antifascist movement is following a trajectory of decline, like most movements after the capitulation of Syriza in 2015. An additional reason for this decline is the conflict of parts of the movement around the anti-pandemic measures, as autonomous antifa groups have openly denounced them, repeatedly publishing material (posters, pamphlets) and calling for mobilizations. After the antifascist demonstrations of 2018-9 (a period of violent right-wing mobilizations against the Prespa Treaty, which recognized the national identity of North Macedonia), the antifascist movement recorded two crucial moments: October 2020 in Athens, on the day of the conviction in the Golden Dawn trial, and September-October 2021 in Thessaloniki, after the repeated attacks by fascist students of the Stavroupoli Lyceum (Western Thessaloniki) against antifascist pupils and students. More recently, the Thessaloniki movement organized an impressive demonstration in Aristotelous Square (the city’s main square), less than 24 hours after a mob of more than 100 people, mostly minors, verbally and physically attacked two trans people on the days of the International Documentary Festival dedicated to the LGBTI movement. The primary organization of the movement in Athens was the assembly of the Anti-Fascist Coordination of Athens-Piraeus, which comprised organizations of the extra-parliamentary left and well-known activists. Anti-authoritarian groups are organized separately. In Thessaloniki, the Anti-Racist Initiative of Thessaloniki remains the main forum for the coordination of the extra-parliamentary Left, while anarchist groups mobilizing against fascist attacks, anti-Gypsyism, and femicide are strong. We should also add the activities of several NGOs (Observatory for the Trial of Golden Dawn, Point for the Study and Counteraction of the Extreme Right).
Historic developments
Greece follows the example of the radicalization of the European South: until 2015-6, radical opposition to EU austerity policies came from the radical Left, with SYRIZA as the main force. Since the beginning of 2016 and the election of Kyriakos Mitsotakis as leader of the New Democracy, the balance of power between the Left and the Right has been gradually changing against the former as the agenda shifts from the economy to immigration and issues of foreign policy and national identity: the electoral victory of ND in the neighborhoods of the working class has been more than telling. In this climate, the far-right is significantly ramping up its action on the refugee issue (until 2020) and against the Prespa Agreement (2018-2019). New groups are attempting to occupy the space covered by Golden Dawn after its prosecution and conviction. At the same time, the pandemic has been a significant opportunity for the far-right to link itself to Europe-wide anti-vaccination trends, capitalizing on distrust of the government and the scientific community. In the whole period after 2015 and until now, the Greek Orthodox Church has intervened systematically in what concerns issues of its agenda, as it did during the parliamentary process concerning the LGBTQ marriage bill, while the far-Right parties and organizations proved unable to organize mass mobilizations, it was the Northern and Central Greece branch of the Orthodox Church that took initiatives against the government, thus magnifying the split within ND.
International relationships
Until a few years ago, Golden Dawn advertised its relations with the Italian Casa Pound. In August 2023, the connection between Panathinaikos fans and the fascist hooligans of Dinamo Zagreb, who marched heavily armed through the streets of New Philadelphia (a town in North-Western Attica), killing a 29-year-old AEK fan, was widely discussed. On a party level, the main force of the far right today, the Greek Solution, is listed in the European Conservatives and Reformists group, along with Georgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy.
Political landscape
The 2023 elections showed how radically the political landscape in Greece has changed compared to 2009-2019. The left is unable to set the tone of the confrontation with the government. This, despite major mobilizations, among others, for the Tempi train crash and the privatization of railways or for water to remain a public good),. At the same time, despite their fragmentation, the far-right forces are now jointly the main opposition force to the ND. Based on the polls, the Hellenic Solution will have a share very close to that of SYRIZA and PASOK, competing for second place. The traditional Communist Party has a trade-unionist policy, which does not challenge ND, while the centrist-populist Course of Liberty (“Plefsi Eleftherias”) does not invest in mass mobilization against the government. The rise of the Hellenic Solution puts pressure on ND, which announced Fredi Beleri, an ethnic Greek mayor-elect in Albania recently sentenced to two years in prison for vote-buying, as a candidate for the upcoming European elections. In any case, while ND has been showing losses in the polls of these three last months due to its failure to deal with rising inflation and the dramatic increase in the cost of living in Greece, Hellenic Solution is the only one of the three parties of the parliamentary far-Right to benefit from this dynamics.
Media landscape
Until recently, well-known far-right journalists and influencers have had near-permanent positions on popular morning shows, while far-right actors have achieved remarkable networking of local TV stations. Ahead of the European elections, it remains to be seen whether the mainstream media will continue to promote far-right candidates, a tactic that clearly threatens ND. In the press, far-right views are promoted by the newspapers Democracy, Massacre (“Makeleio”) and Eleftheri Ora, which together have considerable influence. On the internet, the organization of the far right is impressive (from news sites such as Pronews, owned by the Defence News Media Group, to networking on platforms such as YouTube, X/Twitter, TikTok, and Telegram).
Financial landscape
The funding of Golden Dawn has been cut off since 2013. Due to the relationship of many MPs with the convicted ex-Golden Dawn MP Ilias Kasidiaris (who declared support for the Spartans in 2023), it is also likely that funding for the Spartans will be cut off. Businessman Prodromos Emfietzoglou is running for the European elections this year, but as of 2023, it is doubtful that he will register a percentage above 1-1.5%. Finally, the Defence News Media Group (DNM Group) is particularly active. The DNM Group is owned by businessman Tasos Gouriotis, former communications manager of the Ministry of Defence, National Defence, and candidate for mayor of Glyfada (Southern Attica) with the support of several far-right groups.
Quarterly Reports
Quarterly reports give in-depth insights into the most pressing recent social and political developments in each country as they pertain to the local far-right networks and their international allies.
Introduction & Updates in National Landscape
The Golden Dawn trial in the Court of Appeals continues regularly. The process is expected to last at least for two years, given the size of the case file and the number of witnesses.
The two former lieutenants of Michaloliakos, Ilias Kasidiaris and Ioannis Lagos, now each of them being the informal (due to electoral law restrictions) head of their own parties, are trying to turn the trial hearings into a platform for their message.
Pro Patria is becoming more prominent in the national landscape, as it seems to have connections with Kasidiaris’s party, and also is making its presence felt in nationalist events.
Transnational Activities & Group Interactions
During the early days of November, an annual gathering and march is held in a suburb of Athens, where two members of a local cell of Golden Dawn were killed in 1 November 2013. This year the event was organized on 3 November, and was dominated by the presence of Pro Patria members, as well as Ilias Kasidiaris’s supporters. Kasidiaris is a former Golden Dawn spokesperson and since 2019 the head of his own party, “Greeks for the Fatherland”.
A notable presence in this year’s event was that of representatives from the Nationalist Youth of the NPD party from Germany. This is a strong indicator that Kasidiaris’s party is working on extending its network of transnational interconnections.
Introduction & Updates in National Landscape
The Golden Dawn trial in the Court of Appeals is regularly underway. The two former lieutenants of Michaloliakos, Ilias Kasidiaris and Ioannis Lagos, now each of them being the informal (due to electoral law restrictions) head of their own parties, are trying to turn the hearings into a platform for their message.
Pro Patria, a street neo-Nazi group, held a “training camp” from 7 to 9 October 2022. Images they have shared on Telegram depict scenes of training, similar to those of the old Golden Dawn cell of Nikaia. That cell was responsible for many attacks, among them, the murder of antifascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas in 2013 that led to dismemberment of G.D. This similarity is a strong indicator that Pro Patria might try to carry on the legacy of coordinated fascist attacks, handed down by the decades-long, organized violence by Golden Dawn.
Transnational Activities & Group Interactions
As there have been no real developments in the transnational level during October 2022, such as public events, meetings or other activities, the Greek far-right groups seem to be simply maintaining and not expanding their occassional connections to far-right groups in other European countries (see previous months’ reports).
The two far-right parties holding seats in the European Parliament is ELASYN (the party founded by former Golden Dawn local head and MEP, Ioannis Lagos) and Greek Solution (MEP Emmanouil Fragkos. Athanasios Konstantinou is also a far-right MEP, elected with Golden Dawn in 2019, but he has been independent since August 2020.
Introduction & Updates in National Landscape
No significant changes in the national landscape have been observed during August and September 2022. The parliamentary far-right party “Greek Solution” (led by K. Velopoulos) retains its following, around 4% of the vote, but does not exert significant influence on the far-right political spectrum.
For the month of August, the Court of Appeals that is re-trying the Golden Dawn case was in recession for the summer break. But when readjourned in early September, the judges dismissed a motion filed by Michaloliakos’s lawyers to entirely pospone the trial, and resumed the case.
The neo-Nazi street group, Pro Patria, has posted in one of its Telegram channels a message of “solidarity to Ilias Kasidiaris”, a move that establishes, at least, a status of informal alliance between the group and Kasidiaris’s party, “Greeks for the Fatherland”.
Transnational Activities & Group Interactions
In the annual gathering at Thermopylae, organized at 10 September 2022 by Golden Dawn, the leader of the Polish neo-Nazi party “National Rebirth of Poland”, Adam Gmurczyk, a long-time ally of Golden Dawn and its leader, Michaloliakos, was present and delivered a speech.
This signifies that the original Golden Dawn party, under Michaloliakos, is trying to re-engage in international relationships, with the goal to regain the position of the genuine carrier of the national-socialist ideology in Greece in order to mobilize activists, rather than present itself as a mainstream party that collects votes.
Introduction & Updates in National Landscape
No significant changes in the national landscape have been observed during this month. The parliamentary far-right party “Greek Solution” retains its following but does not exert significant influence on the far-right political spectrum.
The Golden Dawn trial in the Court of Appeals continues, but a split is observed in the ranks of the defendants: While Golden Dawn’s leader, N. Michaloliakos seeks to postpone the trial, the other two parts of the formerly united party (each led by Lagos and Kasidiaris) want the proceedings to continue.
Transnational Activities & Group Interactions
As there have been no real developments in the transnational level during May 2022, such as public events, meetings or other activities, the Greek far-right groups seem to be simply maintaining and not expanding their occassional connections to far-right groups in other European countries (see previous months’ reports).
The two far-right parties holding seats in the European Parliament is ELASYN (the party founded by former Golden Dawn local head and MEP, Ioannis Lagos) and Greek Solution (MEP Emmanouil Fragkos. Athanasios Konstantinou is also a far-right MEP, elected with Golden Dawn in 2019, but he has been independent since August 2020.
Introduction & Updates in National Landscape
The political landscape of the far-right in Greece remains mainly unchanged.
- The (repeat) trial of the Golden Dawn in the Court of Appeals started at 15 June 2022. The process is expected to be lengthy but somewhat quicker than the trial in the First Instance Court, which lasted for five and a half years.
- The Greek Solution party seems to maintain its position among voters but also seems to not have a heavy influence in the far-right politics.
- The coalition formed in May 2022 between the recently founded “National Agreement”, as well as the already aligned “Creation, Again!” and “New Right” parties, is broken because of infighting for leadership.
Transnational Activities & Group Interactions
As there have been no real developments in the transnational level during June 2022, such as public events, meetings or other activities, the Greek far-right groups seem to be simply maintaining and not expanding their occassional connections to far-right groups in other European countries (see previous months’ reports).
The two far-right parties holding seats in the European Parliament is ELASYN (the party founded by former Golden Dawn local head and MEP, Ioannis Lagos) and Greek Solution (MEP Emmanouil Fragkos. Another MEP elected with Golden Dawn is Athanasios Konstantinou. He is currently non-affiliated (since August 2020), but he has expressed support for I. Lagos on more than one occassion ( 1, 2 ). - The Spanish “La Falange” party made public posts on Twitter in solidarity with the defendants in the Golden Dawn trial. La Falange is a member of the “Alliance for Peace and Freedom” (APF), together with Lagos’s “ELASYN”.
Introduction & Updates in National Landscape
The Greek far-right political scene is undergoing shifts and changes.
- Kyriakos Velopoulos and his parliamentary far-right party “National Solution” seem to maintain, according to opinion polls, their influence (around 4,5% according to Pulse )
- The new party “Ethniki Symfonia” (“National Agreement”) announced by former ND parliamentarian, Konstantinos Bogdanos, was joined in a coalition by two other actors, Thanos Tzimeros and Failos Kranidiotis.
- The trial of the Golden Dawn in the Court of Appeals is set to begin in June. Most of the GD members convicted and condemned to prison in the Court of the First Instance will face trial again, in a higher Court. The process is expected to last a few years, and the outcome is still open, ranging from exonerations to even higher sentences for the leader and heads of the criminal organization.
- Three consecutive racist attacks in three different parts of Attica ( 1, 2, 3 ), raise concerns about possible reorganization of violent racist cells. The incidents are said to be investigated by the Hellenic Police. The perpetrators are, as of the end of May 2022, unknown.
Transnational Activities & Group Interactions
As there have been no real developments in the transnational level during May 2022, such as public events, meetings or other activities, the Greek far-right groups seem to be simply maintaining and not expanding their occassional connections to far-right groups in other European countries (see previous months’ reports).
The two far-right parties holding seats in the European Parliament is ELASYN (the party founded by former Golden Dawn local head and MEP, Ioannis Lagos) and Greek Solution (MEP Emmanouil Fragkos. Another MEP elected with Golden Dawn is Athanasios Konstantinou. He is currently non-affiliated (since August 2020), but he has expressed support for I. Lagos on more than one occassion ( 1, 2 ).

Greek Elections: Far Right Regroups
The results returned not one but three clearly far-right parties to parliament, along with another formation that proclaims itself to be “neither right nor left”.

The Greek Far Right after the rightward shift in the election
Written by Signal/ Researching and Confronting the Far Right The Greek election results are naturally multifaceted and open to various interpretations. We witnessed an overt defeat of Syriza and MeRA25, thereby of a large part of the Left. We also
Golden Dawn Is Back on Trial
Loukas Stamellos reports on the criminal proceedings against the Greek neo-Nazi organization. He is a co-founder of the Greek media collective, OmniaTV. Translated by Danai Kapranou. On October 2020, the news that a Greek court had convicted leading members of
The Many Afterlives of Golden Dawn
Despite the fact that Greece suffered a violent history in the twentieth century, with its fair share of military dictatorships, a vicious civil war that led to the persecution of thousands of left-leaning citizens, and a peculiar post-war regime that
“X them out! The Black Map of Racist Violence”
“X them out! The Black Map of Racist Violence” initiative arose from the need to reveal the organised hate crimes connected with the Golden Dawn neo Nazi organisation in order for the wider public to realise the extent of its