
2022 Annual gathering at Thermopylae

Golden Dawn and other far-right groups organize this annual event “to commemorate the fallen warriors against the Enemy from the East”. In September 2022, in the Golden Dawn’s gathering, Adam Gmurczyk, leader of “National Rebirth of Poland” (NOP) was [present

Anti-vaccination rally

* Major presence of most far-right groups and organizations. * First significant open gatherings of far-right supporters in Greece, after Golden Dawn leaders and members were convicted by court as members of a criminal organization in October 2020.

Anti-vaccination rally

* Major presence of most far-right groups and organizations. * First significant open gatherings of far-right supporters in Greece, after Golden Dawn leaders and members were convicted by court as members of a criminal organization in October 2020.

Anti-vaccination rally

* Major presence of most far-right groups and organizations. * First significant open gatherings of far-right supporters in Greece, after Golden Dawn leaders and members were convicted by court as members of a criminal organization in October 2020.

APF Congress

The “Alliance for Peace and Freedom” held a congress in Madrid on March 26 2022. The main event was the closed political meeting, with the following participants: – Yvan Benedetti / Les Nationalistes / France – Yiannis Zografos / National

Bombing against makeshift mosque

The bombing took place in Patissia neighborhood in Athens, between 03:30 – 04:00. The bomb was placed right outside the door of the prayer house. The makeshift bomb included small metallic objects (screws, bolts and nuts), pointing at the intention

Day For Freedom

When Stephen Yaxley-Lennon was banned from Twitter he organised a large protest in central London to complain, which was supported by a number of far-right figures.

Despa Memorial 7

Since 2015, the Despa memorial has been held on the Croatian coast in the summer, organized by the Blood and Honor Croatia. Dozens of neo-Nazis from Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Italy, Bulgaria, Austria and Germany came to the RAC

Fascist attack against students in high school sit-in

A group of fascists, aged 25-35, as described by the victims, attacked a high school sit-in protest in Voula, a municipality of Attiki, near Athens, during the evening hours of January 19, 2022. The attack is seen as a “response”

Forum of Nation and Europe

A one day event organised by Jeune Nation/Les Nationalistes, under the sponsorship of Alliance Forteresse Europe and Alliance for Peace and Freedom (APF). The name of the event is “NATO – out of Europe”. Program: Samedi 7th May, from 13

Independence March

Demonstration in the form of a march through the streets of Warsaw on November 11. The Independence March was initiated by nationalist political organizations in 2011 actively supported by the ruling party PiS.

Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2021

Attempt by neo-Nazis to hijack the UN organised event to promote a version of the ‘great replacement’ conspiracy theory and promote the ‘White Lives Matter’ slogan. Started by British fascist party Patriotic Alternative and supported by neo-Nazis internationally.

Institut Iliade’s 2020 colloquium

Yearly colloquium of Institut Iliade, identitarian think tank heir of the Nouvelle Droite, New Right, centrally active within the metapolitcal enterprise, the ideological battle led by the French and European far right. The 2020 one was named “2020 : la

Institut Iliade’s 2021 colloquium

Yearly colloquium of Institut Iliade, identitarian think tank heir of the Nouvelle Droite, New Right, centrally active within the metapolitcal enterprise, the ideological battle led by the French and European far right. The 2021 one was named “2021 : au-delà

Institut Iliade’s 2022 colloquium

Yearly colloquium of Institut Iliade, identitarian think tank heir of the Nouvelle Droite, New Right, centrally active within the metapolitcal enterprise, the ideological battle led by the French and European far right. This year it was named “2022 : restaurer

Madrid Summit

Leaders of far-right/populist parties represented at the EU Parliament met in Madrid to discuss the creation of a wider sovereingnist alliance – they are currently mainly split into two groups at the EU parliament: Identity and Democracy (ID) and the

Neo-Nazi memorial march

Each year, neo-Nazi and other fascist groups hold a gathering in memory of two Golden Dawn members (Giorgos Foundoulis and Manos Kapelonis) that were killed on 1st November 2013, during a targeted shooting attack outside Golden Dawn’s offices in a

Patriotic Alternative Autumn conference 2021

The first of the fascist party’s twice yearly national conferences to be held following the start of the coronavirus pandemic. The venue was revealed online which led to serious disruption. Paul Stevenson of the Republic Broadcasting Network was an international

Patriotic Alternative Northern conference 2022

PA held a national [conference at the Stirk House Hotel in Lancashire](, attended by around 150 supporters, the same number they claim attended a conference in March. The hotel had been [warned about the booking in advance but decided to

Patriotic Weekly Review – episode 200

In March, PA leader Mark Collett’s weekly livestream Patriotic Weekly Review (PWR) marked 200 episodes with a four-hour long stream involving 30 guests from across the international far-right. Guests included Lana Lokteff and Henrik Palmgren from Red Ice TV, Andreas

Presentation of Institut Iliade in Madrid

On November 27th 2021, Institut Iliade organised its first presentation event outside of France, in Madrid (C/ Hilarión Eslava, 36). The event was co-organised by the magazine [La Emboscadura](, represented by its director back then José Alsina Calvo. José Javier

Soberania y Reconquista (Sovereignty and Reconquest)

After a presentation event in Madrid in 2021, Insitut Iliade co-organised together with Cercle Aristote and the Spanish student organisation [Revolutio](, an event on the theme of Sovereignty and Reconquest, at the occasion of the commemoration of the battle of

Statue Defenders protest

After a protest in Bristol which saw a state of a slave trader be pulled from it’s plinth and thrown into the harbour, British football hooligans held protests to defend statues. The largest was held in Whitehall, central London and

Traditional Britain Group conference 2017

Annual conference which brings together the British far right. Among the speakers at the conference were [For Britain leader Anne Marie Waters and Idenitarian Martin Sellner](

Traditional Britain Group conference 2021

Annual conference which brings together the British far right. Among the speakers at the conference were the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)’s Gunnar Beck and Stefan Korte.

Traditional Britain Group conference 2022

Annual conference of the Traditional Britain Group, attended by people from across the far right. This year’s [TBG conference]( was addressed by Christine Anderson, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) MEP. [Stefan Korte]( from the AfD addressed the conference for the second


Great event organized by Vox in Madrid, with the participation of international leaders of the extreme right.