
Conference “Internal Russophobia as the Main Threat to Russian Statehood”

On March 25, 2022 in Moscow President-hotel the constituent assembly of national-patriotic movement “[Russian Union](” within the framework of conference: “Internal Russophobia – as the main threat to the Russian statehood” has taken place.

The conference was opened by Alexei Kochetkov, coordinator of the organizing committee of the “Russian Union”: “Speaking of the multilayered nature of this phenomenon I would divide internal Russophobia into two subspecies: 1. Russophobia as ideologically motivated hatred for the Russian people, Russian civilization, and the very idea of the possible existence of a Russian state on Russian national principles … 2 Russophobia as a hereditary disease of post-Soviet bureaucracy and the part of society closely related to it, brought up in the Marxist-Leninist tradition of fear of “Great Russian derzhimorda” (burecrauts – note.ed), which if you let it go, it will just start right away”.

Kochetkov’s speech was [published]( on friendly websites:

“…A network of “Russian Unions” or “Russian Clubs” throughout the country, which would unite like-minded people, could serve this purpose. Their tasks would include not only spreading Russian ideology by involving the widest sections of Russian society in the discussion of urgent problems from a national standpoint, but also jointly developing solutions to specific problems. Branch associations could also develop under the roof of regional “Russian Unions” or “Russian Clubs”. For example, unions of Russian teachers, Russian students, Russian lawyers and Russian journalists. United in horizontal networks, these unions of professionals could not only make a very significant contribution to solving the most urgent problems facing the state, but also serve as engines of national mobilization.

In addition to the network of regional “Russian Unions,” it is necessary to develop Russian regional media, through which not only Russian ideology would be promoted, but also a public discussion of the most urgent local problems and ways to solve them would be held.

The creation of regional and branch networks connected into a unified network of media implies the creation of an all-Russian ideological center that would include the most authoritative ideologues of the Russian movement as well as the development of a common code of Russian civil society, regulating the interaction and relationships between various participants and unions.

All of this could make Russian patriotic civil society truly capable. In recent years it has become fashionable to cite the words of Emperor Alexander III that Russia’s only allies are her army and navy. Now the aerospace forces are being added to them. Today this expression requires creative revision: The only ally of the Russian army, navy, and air and space forces is a capable Russian civil society”.

The conference gathered under its banner members of a patriotic movements of Russia. The leading guest speakers of the conference on internal Russophobia under the auspices of the “Russian Union” were:

* Economist Sergey Glazyev with theses on the organization of the “Russian economic miracle” in the territory liberated from the Ukrainian Nazis.
* Historian and publicist Mikhail Smolin, who spoke about the ideological origins of Ukrainian Nazism and advocated accepting new subjects into Russia.
* Journalist Yaroslav Belousov, who outlined the key Russophobic attacks against Russia and Russians by the current Kiev authorities, in which Farion and company proposed to expel or exterminate the Russian-speaking population of the country.
* the publicist and philosopher Yegor Kholmogorov, who pointed out that Russophobia has its roots deep in the Russian school curriculum of world history, which neither gives nor teaches the Russian people love and creative work for the benefit of the country.
* Philosopher Viktor Aksyutits stated that without a Russian national and political revival in all spheres of public life, Russia will not be able to respond to the new challenges of our time.
* historian Felix Razumovsky made a report on “The Worldview Default of Russian Society in February 2022”.
* Politician Alexei Zhivov emphasized that after February 24th there is no place for resentments of the past and inertial thinking. The time requires consolidation and support of the president and the army.

Dozens of economists, politicians, political psychologists, political scientists, cultural and language experts also spoke at the forum. Among them: Leonid Reshetnikov, Roman Antanovsky, Sergei Ivannikov, Alexander Burenkov, Maria Al-Daini, Nikolai Bugai, Irina Gorina, Andrei Marchukov, Nikolai Nikitin, Nadezhda Razumovskaya, Maria Savelyeva, Ivan Skorikov, Alexander Sharipov, Dmitry Yakushev, Victor Burdyug, Lydia Dovydenko, Sergey Grigorov, Alexander Efremov, Andrey Korolev, Arkady Minakov, Anastasia Ositis, Elena Rudaya, Natalia Tanshina, Kirill Frolov, Nadezhda Shalimova and others.

As a result of the conference it was decided to send an open letter to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and other interested persons. The guests of the conference will join the founding council of the “Russian Union” on an equal footing.