

Rodina is official russian national conserve party registered by Ministry of Justice. It was founded in 2003 as a red-brown party to oppose communists at the parliament elections. One of the founders was leader of Congress of Russian Communities Dmitriy Rogozin who now holds a high position in russian politics and heads the State Space Corporation Roscosmos. Another one was head of ROS party Sergey Baburin. The alliance of the ROS and Rodina party lasts to this day. Left wing belonged to economist Sergey Glaziev and Boris Shestakov.

**Electoral results**

At the 2003 parliament elections Rodina electoral bloc received 9.02% and put 29 deputies to the Duma, created its own faction but then splitted. At 2004 president elections Rodina officially supported Vladimir Putin’s candidacy. In October 2006, the party joined the bloc “A Just Russia — For Truth”. In September 2012 Rodina was revived under a new leader Alexey Zhuravlev who was a member of ruling party “United Russia”. At the 2016 Duma elections Rodina put one deputy in parliament Alexey Zhuravlev. At the 2021 Duma elections Rodina achieved same result.


The initially declared political orientation of the Rodina electoral bloc included moderate nationalism, patriotism, state control of natural resources, increased state influence in the economy, and support for Russian foreign policy activities. Leftist positions in the economy and nationalist positions in culture, prompted discussion of the party’s similarities to the fascist regime’s ideology. Deputy Prime Minister, former Minister of Finance, former head of the presidential administration Anatoly Chubais said at the time: “National Socialism has raised its head in Russia, and it is the main danger for the country”.

On March 25, 2006, Dmitry Rogozin resigned as chairman of the party at a congress. The congress elected a new party chairman, Alexander Babakov, and abandoned its former left wing nationalism course, taking a social-democratic orientation, changing the red flag color to yellow.

**International ties**

On March 22, 2015, Rodina [organized]( The International Russian Conservative Forum – an international forum for representatives of conservative and nationalist movements and parties from around the world. The participants in the forum, the stated purpose of which was “to demonstrate international support for Russia at a time of pressure exerted on the country in connection with the crisis in Ukraine,” included supporters of traditional values, representatives of monarchist, conservative, and nationalist organizations, and well-known far-right political figures and publicists. About 150 representatives from 11 conservative and nationalist parties and organizations, and 400 participants from 15 countries were present at the forum. According to the media, the forum participants represented “the color of the Aryan race” and “the supreme fascist society,” which professes “national socialism and racism of varying degrees of severity and madness” and represents “a mixture of neo-Nazis, nationalists, and anti-Semites.

Among invited parties were BNP, Britain First, Golden Dawn, Forza Nuova and othes.